6th circuit court of appeals reinstates OSHA vax mandate


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I was laughing … then I realize you probably actually believe this.

Are you one of those guys who refuse hard hats when required?

I know people who think vax people will be dead in 6 months. Then they changed it to 3 years.

I know people who are supposed to be the most premiere, scientifically, professional people in the world who claimed the Pfizer vaccine had a 95% efficacy rate. Now they changed it to that it gives you a greater chance of not being hospitalized and dying.


Just get jabbed and boosted. It’s not that complicated.

…every 8 months for the rest of your life.

And that is a prediction by an anonymous internet poster?

Do the math…

And the math is based on . . . . how many variants? How many years of study?

This continues to evolve and some of what was said prior, is now not deemed true. The vaccine has not proven itself to have a 95% efficacy rate and there was NO mention of a booster when it was first introduced. All I’ve done is extend out a pattern that’s beginning to appear. It may or may not go that way but that’s the direction that appears most probable.

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:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:



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Small sample of variants and small number of years. Jump to conclusions.

Science often takes time.

…and where the big, boys play…there’s a financial statement at the end of each month to actually account EXACTLY…whether you were right…or wrong. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Hello left field.

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That prediction is based on science known at the time he made it.

Just like Fauci.


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No…the point is, I always have to look out down the road, surmise what I’m seeing, connect the dots, prepare for what you believe lies ahead and be profitable when that day arrives cuz you were right. I just shared with you that skill set regarding the vaccine. Now…say thank you Smyrna. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I was responding the the assertion that we would need a booster for the rest of our lives. I simply stated that there is yet no evidence for that. Will we need more boosters? Yeah, maybe. Will we actually need an annual shot, an 8th month shot, or whatever. I simply suggested that the science is not in for an indefinite future,

But if is true that annual jabs will be advised, what’s the big deal.

Just get jabbed. End of story.