6th circuit court of appeals reinstates OSHA vax mandate

not sure about moderna, but 0-20% efficacy vs omicron for pfizer 2 1/2 to 4 weeks after vaccination doesn’t qualify as a “most basic” health measure.

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Serious adverse events, while uncommon (<1.0%), were observed at slightly higher numerical rates in the vaccine study group compared to the saline placebo study group, both overall and for certain specific adverse events occurring in very small numbers.



its the truth. all the pro vax propaganda in the world won’t change that. i am pro vax for the unvaccinated, but the propaganda isn’t helping, its hurting.

The Booster can provide up to 85% more protection against Omicron.

I am still baffled why people who have gotten vaccinated continue to argue against the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Umm because they aren’t nearly as effective as everyone hoped and were told they were?

And your link is a model.

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Okay fine.

Here is an Israeli study that says pretty much the same thing.

Short term against catching it, I know.


do you actually read the stories or just the headlines?

85%? 2 1/2 weeks after getting a booster… well duh. how effective 4 weeks later? i’ll give you a hint, same as being fully vaccinated— 0-20%. the study (out of GB), is not even a case study, its a model.

this is more important

memory cells doing their thing. why would you need a booster to avoid that? the study even suggests that cell immunity (t and b cells) seems to be driving “immunity” (why they use that word i don’t know-- what they mean is there is a positive immune response with or without boosters). data is not in on hospitalization, so any claim about that is bogus.


Even if that was the only thing that you get out of the booster… which it isn’t… totally worth it.

Not really as I can and do easily avoid contact with other humans and can achieve the same two-month delay by self-isolation.

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Then I guess we will come back to this to see if their models were correct.

We should hope that they are.

Preventing a bunch of people getting sick for little reason seems to be something that we should all be behind.

Well bully for you.

preventing a bunch of people from catching what essentially is a cold doesn’t make much sense. if you’re unvaccinated, get vaccinated. if you are vaccinated, or have previously had covid, weigh the risks for yourself about a booster. if you’re vaccinated and have had covid… relax.

eta… this is for non high risk persons. either way, make your own decissions

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Maybe that’s why you should stop dispensing medical advice.


That is the new canard around here I see.

It used to be common knowledge that non doctors should refrain from giving medical advice.

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Hmmmm… what are doctors and health officials saying?

What they should be saying is to talk to your physician and make your own decision.

Is this all in the same study that concluded a 95% efficacy rate?