30 Uttar Pradesh Districts Are Now Covid-Free

What is this game?

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Really. No answer then, okay.


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I wasn’t going to take the vaccine but my nurse wife, the female version of Spock did take it early on. My conclusion was, if she were to suffer from unexpected complications as a result, I was going to share that with her and got vaccinated.

the game of “making things look worse than they are by how we over-report one thing while avoiding another”

Yeah… I know.

A vaccinated person is way less likely to get infected if they are exposed than an unvaccinated person.

Breakthrough infections are a real thing… but it isn’t rampant.

What is being over reported?

Perhaps. But again, the vaccine is still…well, depending on the study…45-80% effective at blocking any infection, even the delta.

That obviously helps curb the spread.

If a vaccinated person gets sick, it will be mild, shorter, perhaps asymptomatic. While of course you still can spread it during this time, everything abut it means you will spread it less. Particularly the time.

It’s weird how this can become an argument…

Let’s try it this way - how did we get rid of polio? Vaccines or treatments?

Vaccinated people arguing against the effectiveness of vaccines is peak Hannity.


I am home right now for the 3rd day with a fever of 99.9 and have an appointment today at 1:30 to get a molecular COVID test, even though I’ve been vaccinated. If I am infected, those antibodies are worth more than the vaccine. You do understand that…correct?

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Yes it does.

The vaccines are (depending on the study) something like 45-80% effective at completely blocking infection.

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Like selling vaccine on death instead of mitigating the ill effects of Covid.

This would change if D really wanted everyone vaccinated.


No drug is meant for horses. Drugs are approved for different things.

Ivermectin has been used in humans for years.

Why do they use amphetamines to treat ADHD in children? Is that what amphetamines were meant for?

Because they have a paradoxical effect on children. For example.


Hannity had a soldier on who is quitting over the covid vaccine after taking something like 30 other army required vaccines.

hannity is of course vaccinated.

Strange days.

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No, they aren’t.

I hope that everything turns out okay.

Having been vaccinated against Covid if you are infected with it, your outcome will likely be better than if you were not vaccinated… so I am glad that you got vaccinated.

People who have been infected and are vaccinated have the best protection going forward.


Why is that strange? They are two different people.

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You must be skipping some of the posts.

They are going up rather quick.

Careful of the post context with our host.

Awww, Smyrna…I hope you feel better soon :heart:

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That’s horse feathers. You are claiming they are proving a negative?

I am referencing this forum.

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