3,405 died for nothing

According to whom? Links?

These people seem to forget that the reason we went into Afghanistan was that the Al Quaida camps and leaders responsible for the attack on New York were stationed there. We did not demand the removal of the Taliban, we demanded that the Taliban allow us to remove Al Quaida. And we gave them months.
The only alternative to going in would be to 1) allow this to be used as a base for future attacks or 2) level the place the way we did Germany and Japan.
In todays world, we would have been called war criminals…including by many in the US.

No, I don’t think they’ve forgotten, they just want to paint Bush as a failure. Forget the fact that Obama had the reins of power during the entire time the Taliban was resurgent and the country became a haven for terrorists again, it’s all Bush’s and to a lesser extent Trump’s fault.

Actually, I vigorously criticized and continue to criticize Obama for not terminating the United States presence in Afghanistan, particularly after the death of bin Laden.

And abandoning it then would have been a mistake of historic proportions resulting in us just having to go back in eventually against a much better equipped, trained, and hardened enemy in the future.

See Iraq after the pullout as a perfect example.

So basically, we are there eternally is what you are saying.

As long as it takes to prevent a repeat yes.

There’s an old axiom of war, “Never bleed twice for the same piece of ground”.

Aside from all the other issues if we pull out it convinces the enemy we can be beaten and driven out, that would make them multitudes more motivated and hardened in the future.

We cant’ simply turn it back over to them without facing an even harder task in the future at the cost of countless American lives at home and abroad.

I don’t like it, but that’s the world we live in today.

sigh That’s how you end an insurgency slash terrorist group, co-opt them into the political realm, once they get cut in on the government loot they can be controlled, they have something to lose. You only go to war with America, which pretty much guarantees an ass whipping, if you don’t have anything to lose. I can point you to historical examples if you like.

Another failed American war.

Is Bin Laden dead?

Is AQ still operating with gov’t protection in Afghanistan or have they been destroyed as an organization?

What was the goal of the invasion?

AQ is still in Afghanistan operating.

AQ has been destroyed as an organization and no longer operates freely with protection of the gov’t. Quit making things up.

There was a resurgence in 2015-2016 following the drawdown but they have been decimated since.

have you looked at a map a lot of the country is controlled by the Taliban who still protect AQ.

They are gaining ground as the government loses control over the ring road system.

The Taliban is not the gov’t of Afghanistan and what’s left of AQ in the country is a shadow of what it once was.

The government of Afghanistan doesn’t control a large percent of their own country.

Provide a source for that map please.

Quit deflecting it’s tiring and childish.

That’s almost a year out of date and shows nothing about AQ’s status in Afghanistan.