2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Welp, there is the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf…

That’s was what they said. I tend to agree with them, but that was their own characterization of the massive fraud claim movement.

They are on board that the last minute covid rule changes were illegal. But they don’t think it invalidates the result.

I doubt very much that these people are gobbling leftest anything.

And the media who ran with it to influence elections.

But you still post things from Newsmax. And they are one of the biggest culprits of promoting the “big lie”.
Who do you think is spreading propaganda?

Huh, how else do you explain depicting “these people” now believing election claims as reported are “baseless” ?

These are staunch Republicans and supported of Trump. They just don’t see any legitimate case to be made that the election result was invalid or fraudulent.

There is no “now believing”. They never believed it was fraud. They have access to all the same sources as you and I.

The Rittenhouse verdict exposed the rush to judgment left. And that’s what is lacking here with the election fraud. Instead we get this standing committee that has no legitimacy to truly seek wherever the truth really is.

Alright then, lucky for some of us here who are not unduly influenced by the press either side.

Many others rely on the media too much…

The media is a poor source for information. It is an indicator of people’s opinions and sentiment, but generally devoid of real information.

For election issues I utilize the media for direct quotes from involved officials, but then I reach out to a more direct source.

Often it is not possible to access the source material online, so I have to wait for a claim to develop or get its chance in court before seeing any first hand materials.

I’ll say it one more time… I have yet to put hand or eye on any material that supports the massive fraud claims.

The two open ones in AZ are still just that “open”. Specifically the 3000 moved/duplicate named votes and the weird “image analysis” portion of the audit that will be “ready later”.

Basically there is no specific claim that has been coupled with direct evidence or material that I can evaluate on my own.

That is the weakness in the case.

Yep, more people have died because the orange gibbon failed wanting to project the tough guy image, watch the dow, and lie to the American people.


What does that have to do with 2021 and Jbiden?

Trump** started the pandemic with 0 cases.

By January 2021 Trump** left office with 25,000,000 cases.

Not saying Trump** is responsible for all the cases that occurred under his watch, just saying that his messaging sucked. Instead of lying to the public he could have used his bloody pulpit to encourage mask wearing, social distancing, and other preventative measures to slow the spread - saving lives.

To emphasize a patriotic message that it was a time for Americans to pull together and voluntarily to commit to the difficult times ahead. But like many of his business ventures, he failed.


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There’s the switch.

More people have died under Jbiden Inc, with the patriotic whisper, vaccines, and better treatments.

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This is true.

Because of Trump’s failed response the pandemic had spread more than it should have.


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:rofl: You must be joking.

When Biden took office there was a 7 day average of over 3000 deaths a day.

By March that was down to a 7day average of 1000 deaths a day.

The Delta wave hit the states whose governors actively resisted instituting basic public health measures to resist the tyranny of Biden not wanting more people to needlessly die.

You guys are something else.

Again, ruling things out is how many of us do it on the right. Trusting action not mere words.

Where I live in deep blue Maryland the number of cases and deaths has more than doubled since biden took office.

Everything you believe is wrong.

“Sleepy Brandon”…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: