2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Your last comment made me think of this:

“the end justifies the means”

phrase of end

  1. wrong or unfair methods may be used if the overall goal is good.

“we excuse our greed by claiming that the end justifies the means”

Definitions from Oxford Languages

Then why isn’t there a state wide audit of not only the presidential election but the House of Reps and Senate elections as well?

Then why are they cherry picking only those counties where Biden won?

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What (nefarious) means?

IMO…there should be but the Democrat forces have been working against that. What you’re witnessing is when there are enough Republicans in the house on a state level to overcome those forces, then an actual audit is taking place. This has begun in Arizona and due to what’s being discovered, it’s motivating other state legislators to initiate audits in states where they have enough influence to do so.

Don’t the Republicans control Texas? What took them so long?

Prove this assertion is true.


Already answered.

No you made an assertion…you didn’t answer.

Why are we cherry picking counties in Texas for audit?

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Open your eyes…

No…prove this assertion is true.

And explain why Texas is cherry picking counties Biden won for audit?

“Dem resistance” doesn’t explain that.

Indeed if there was “Dem resistance” we would see the opposite. GOP counties would be first up for audit.

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I am curious how the Dems could limit which counties in Texas should be subject to an audit. Similarly, why the Senate and House of Reps in Texas should not be subject to an audit.

Yes if “Dem resistance” was truly a factor we would see a totally different kind of cherry picking.

If only I were king…but…I’m not. I’m just standing on the sidelines of life, witnessing what’s going on around me, connecting the tidbits of truth together, out of the ocean of lies…

…but…it’s good to be me. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

So you don’t know and were just talking out your ass.

Thanks for being so honest.

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It would seem that if the Dems could be so influential in Texas there would be audits only where Trump or the Republican candidate won.

Yep…and applying that same methodology I speak of here in Hannity Land…outside in the real world and killin it. You do it your way and I’ll do it mine. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Amazing what will work when it’s totally divorced from reality.


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There were affidavits regarding irregularities observed in certain counties. I expect those to be the places that should be checked. Which counties that were subject to complaints are you referring to that should also be audited?

It doesn’t seem very bright to demand audits of counties no one has complained about. I thought you objected to the costs involved in the present audits. Now you are demanding they spend multiple times more.

Well if one was making an honest assessment as to what’s going on in Texas, one would conclude this.

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