1st Amendment and Schools - Punishment for Off Campus Social Media

What parents? Isn’t that why the schools are coming up with crap like this to begin with?

Right? Absolutely not. If you feel you should, that is between you and your employer.

I’ll start off by saying I don’t agree that students should be punished in school for statements made outside of school, at least in a general sense.

But this got me thinking:

There are enough ethical rules for lawyers that it takes an entire semester to teach them - and many of them forbid various sorts of statements in any context.

These rules are promulgated by each state’s Bar Association, which is not a government entity - but they are enforced by that state’s court system, which is.

Try again. Slavery was abolished in this country.

No. Every school child has a parent or legal guardian.

I don’t think he should be suspended even for saying that.

Only if he attempts to fight the student should anything happen…and then only if on campus should the school do anything.

No prior restraint.

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Slavery was not mutually consensual agreements between adults.

Hear him!

No they don’t. They have egg and sperm donors. A lot of those aren’t actually parenting and rely on the state to do their parenting for them.

Bullying. Threats. Overt racism. All things that impact a schools ability to teach and take care of students.

We’re pretty loose with “mutual consent” these days. Especially with contracts that can be changed without prior notice.

I would specify… Public school have zero right.

I think private schools can, depending on the contract between the school and the student.

And even then you still need to be careful…specially when authorities are involved. :wink:

I agree. They shouldn’t regulate a students speech. But a school can and should react to speech when warranted. The case in the OP is questionable.

If a law is violated, that is the appropriate recourse. But I don’t think a public high school has the authority to suspend for off campus racist comments.

Does the first amendment restrict actions by private employers or does the first amendment restrict actions by the government?


So a student can opt out just like you?

Yes, I know. Are high school students licensed by the state to student? Is becoming a lawyer mandatory by law?

Disbarring is in effect the removal of a state issued license. If we are going to evolve this conversation into government licensing requirements, we’re going to be here a while.

So, B. L. agreed to a code of conduct, a set of rules she would follow for being on the team.

She is not expected to adhere to that to which she agreed before hand?

What kind of lesson is this teaching our young people? Seems to be that actions don’t have consequences. I think there is a big differences between some random student posting something to social media, and a member of a specific team that agreed to a code of conduct and then violated the code she’d agreed to follow.

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Laws…you know what they say about laws.