16 year old climate activist arrives in NY for UN summit after sailing across the ocean

She is 16 years of age. Her brain isn’t fully developed.

I have a problem with children being used in such a fashion.


would you say the same to teenagers who go on mission trips?


If they had this kind of exposure, most certainly.

So? Boats still contribute to the rise of the ocean, no matter how they’re powered.


so now its not the message, its the exposure? what does that have to do with a fully developed brain then?

Anyone else feel like having a “Burn a Tire For greta Day”??

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She can have all of the message she wants. She is still a CHILD. This is a matter for adults. I find it reprehensible they would front a child because who could reasonably attack that?

It reminds me of Islamists hiding weapons below hospitals and schools knowing they won’t be bombed because of compassion.

It is disgusting to put her in this position.


So are scouts, missionaries, spelling B contestants, science fair winners. Hell at 16 she can legally solo an aircraft. Being a child doesn’t mean being stupid and especially if she see “adults failing” on a task.

And how many of those are thrust into national news?

Plenty of them, they show spelling b on national TV ya know, 16 year old do all sorts of things all the time that makes the news

Since when are 16 year olds not allowed to have an opinion?

“Front” a child? Why is it so difficult to accept that her opinions are legitimate?

Apparently quite a lot of people, including you.

When you de-legitimize her, you are attacking her.

I don’t understand your analogy. Are you saying that those who don’t believe in climate change are trying to kill her?

It is disgusting to watch adults attack a child for daring to hold an opinion they don’t like.

Spelling bees? Really? :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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This kid was a hero to the Loyalists.

I wish I can add million likes.

It’s a shame what they did to her…and to think they’re proud?

Apparently I can’t say what I really want to say here…but we know what they did.


The same way a parent tells them how to dress and what grades they need to obtain to be able to earn some freedom to spend time with friends.

Because at 16 no one is guru enough to be on a national platform unless they are being used.

These people are sick. History will not be kind to them.


It is a shame what they are doing to her. When she’s lost her 20 seconds of fame and is thrown away and discarded there will be a young lady left bewildered and lost. Just like David Hogg who is turning into a very, very angry young man.

Children should be off limits. What cowards to thrust her into a position she doesn’t have the capability to handle.

Wait until she realize what they did to her.


You and I apparently had very different experiences of being a teenager. Not ever 16 year old is an empty vessel controlled by their parents.

I dont know what “guru enough” means.

I see a passionate and engaged teenager with strongly-held views that she’s willing to fight for. It takes a special sort of patronizing to see that as a bad thing.

Is that what you see?

When I was 16 I still didn’t see anything wrong ■■■■■■■ woman that was twice my age.