1500 stimulus check but only if you get the vaccine

Next up, firearms!


First comes the carrot, then comes the sword.


What do you think about military? We give all sorts of benefits to get people to join. Salary, Free college, housing, etc. Is that authoritarian to you?

Have you “volunteered” for the draft yet?


If Trump said he wouldn’t take it on Harris’ say so it would be racist and misogynistic.

Hell ya I would. Can I take multiple vaccines then ? :wink:

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Anti vaxxers don’t take vaccines. At all.

People ate Tidepods for clicks and likes.

People we do a lot of stuff for $1500

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Semiantivaxxer then.

Maybe I can create a profile on a job site

“Willing to take vaccines for $$”

Just inject whatever you want into me; don’t need to know as long as I get paid.

If Trump said he wouldn’t take it his supporters wouldn’t call him an anti-vaxxer.


“…first in line…”

Not even “semiantivaxxer”.

100% anti-Trumper? Yep.

Who would be waiting?

People want sports and crowds and will get the vaccine without a bribe.

The illogical thinking is the problem.

She will be one of first to get it…

I plan to get it with or with out the check. If they want to throw me a check fine but it doesn’t really factor into me getting the vaccine shots.


It’s like money is just falling out of the swamp monster pockets…I am sure they are planning to pin all the spending on Trump. That won’t fly.

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That’s the plan i’m sure.

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Same here.

I want that pin…“I’m vaccinated”. with some really cool logo on it.

Yes…blame Trump for deficit spending.

They should also say the day that you get your shot is also the day you throw away your mask forever.