Your FBI: Trustworthy or In Disarray for Decades?

Oh, I thought you were accusing me.

Can you provide the quote using those words please?

Nope. The CEC claims Trump is honest and trustworthy.

Quote please.

Quote what? Quote every time Sean or Rush says Trump is honest? Quote every time Fox and Friends goes apoplectic and projects trump’s dishonesty upon others?

Meh. What’s the bother. They have their soldiers… propagandists have done well in the past 2.25 years.

Just once please.

Trump is so honest that he even calls out how the DNC is corrupt towards Bernie. BernieBots need to realize that Trump is after this insane political corruption and that he’s more likely to get it done than Bernie.

*Rush Limbaugh

It’s repeated on this board all the time. Trump means what he says. He does what he says. He speaks his mind. There’s no filter. What you see is what you get.

Even the supposedly neutral people will go on and on about Trump keeping his promises despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


That took two seconds to google. ya oughta try it if’n you don’t believe me. There’s $$ to be made by keeping a populace scared and fooled.

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Link please.

Yeah. It is a funny thing to act like this isn’t a fact.

Do your own homework. I cant unpropogandize you all myself.

“Maybe nobody has been as honest as him…”

Rudy Giuliani

As soon as I saw who the author was I tuned out. I don’t know how anyone can take him seriously.


It’s an impenetrable shield of BS. As long as it’s that BS they want to hear.

That’s what happens when your purpose is to enjoy “lib tears”.

yup. impenetrable… I like that!

Didn’t think so.

“I didn’t ask them if it is true, but they needed to know that that impression was out there,” Priestap explained. “And I don’t remember my exact words. But what I was trying to communicate is, ‘This better not interfere with things,’ if you know what I mean. Like, to me, the mission is everything. And so we all have our personal lives, what have you. I’m not the morality police.”

Huh. Imagine that.

What quotes? Quotes from Solomon? Claiming he is quoting a transcript no one else has seen? :rofl:

No the source is Solomon claiming he has seen something no one else has seen. Post the transcript and then we can discuss it’s veracity. Solomon has the same credibility as Alex Jones.

Trump supporters really are in la la land.