Youngkin's swearing in outstanding

That was really more of a rhetorical “who”.

Who he is meaningless. Just as much as him being brought up in this thread.

He still has some influence. I take it you disagree with his take on Youngkin?

Of course I disagree.

I think it’s a shame that he has a voice anywhere, including here.

If he still does with Trump, then oh well.

Hopefully he’ll learn his lesson the hard way and won’t make it anywhere near the GE.

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They do, on the virginia web site:

The list, comprised of resources the equity office recommends and references in its work, includes books by anti-racist advocate Ibram X. Kendi and Abolitionist Teaching Network co-founder Bettina Love.

“Lastly, teachers must embrace theories such as critical race theory, settler colonialism, Black feminism, dis/ability, critical race studies, and other critical theories, that have the ability to interrogate anti-Blackness …” Love wrote in “We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom.”

The book was sixth on the Virginia department’s list and was also promoted in a March 2020 newsletter. While the inclusion isn’t evidence that critical race theory is being taught in the state’s schools, Love’s book provides guidance for educators, stating that teachers need to question Whiteness and do away with phrases like “work hard” and “be nice.”

‘> Teachers need to be taught how to question Whiteness’

The Virginia Department of Education’s website said its EdEquityVA initiative is “focused on establishing equity targets, measuring equity outcomes … and implementing systemic policy and regulatory changes.” It also said an equity office within the department is charged with leading “efforts to advance education equity, eliminate achievement gaps and increase opportunity, and decrease disproportionality in student outcomes.”

The equity program includes a variety of resources, including an audit tool used to determine whether a school is hitting certain standards. It, for example, asks whether the student code of conduct includes an anti-racism statement or if language was removed from the code that “categorizes racial justice movements (Black Power, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, etc.) as racist, hate speech, or controversial.”

At the top of its reading list, which included Love’s book, the Department of Education states that the books “are the resources the Office of Equity and Community Engagement references in the development of our work, as well as texts we recommend.”


At the bottom, it states: “Some of the links on the #EdEquityVA pages lead you to websites not associated with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education. VDOE does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the data and facts presented on these external sites.”

A spokesman for the department, Ken Blackstone, told Fox News: “Critical race theory is not included in Virginia’s Standards of Learning.”

He did not address questions about whether the ideology is taught in schools or if administrators incorporate it into their policies.

In addition to explicitly endorsing critical race theory, Love’s book promotes other racially charged changes to the education system.

“Teachers need to be taught how to question Whiteness and White supremacy, how to check and deal with their White emotions of guilt and anger, and how these all impact their classrooms,” Love wrote in her book.

“Teachers must demand the end of high-stakes testing and the yelling of slogans at dark children, such as ‘knowledge is power,’ ‘work hard,’ ‘be nice,’ and ‘no excuses,’ because all you need is grit,” she wrote.

More doucmentation McAuliffe, who by the grace of God is not my governor again promoted CRT when he was in office:

Documentation at the link

Loudoun County Public Schools is currently hosting a lesson plan on its website explicitly teaching “queer theory” and “critical race theory” to kids.

But in 2015, when McAuliffe was last governor, the Virginia Department of Education instructed public schools to “embrace critical race theory” in order to “re-engineer attitudes and belief systems.”

Quacks like a duck is a duck. McAuliffe & Blackfaced Northan, who I’ve suffered under 8 years of, Virginia has gotten to the bottom, 50th in scoring devaluing Math, English, while scored have plummeting while pushing radical leftist ideology in school. Pushing pornographic stuff in schools, and school libraries.Scores going to 50th while McAuliffe was bragging about support from the teachers unions who wanted to keep the schools closed as long as possible while failing to get their students to basic standards.

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Thanks for your response. But, CRT is not taught in Virginia schools.

What makes you say that so emphatically? Seems like some pretty compelling evidence that CRT at least influenced curriculum.

Sounds kike someone uses Northham talking points and Dim notions. That ok as long as CRT is out out with the trash.

Ahh the obligatory “conservative boomer quoting one sentence from one MLK speech” as if they liked him. :rofl:

He has so many more quotes like that.


“The book was sixth on the Virginia department’s list and was also promoted in a March 2020 newsletter. While the inclusion isn’t evidence that critical race theory is being taught in the state’s schools, Love’s book provides guidance for educators, stating that teachers need to question Whiteness and do away with phrases like “work hard” and “be nice.””

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So why did the democrats elect a proven segregationist and overall racist?

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If he did, that moron Mcauliffe would have been governor now.


The very same book from which that quote is taken, just a few pages later says this

“Negroes hold only one key to the double lock of peaceful change. The other is in the hands of the white community.”

You won’t get that other key with insults.

Ohhh scurry…

White Conservatives don’t really like him anyway… so no skin off our back.

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You have no idea what white conservatives like and don’t like.

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Did you like the MLK quote that Tommy posted? There are many many more where that came from.

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Of course we do.

It’s not like you guys are quiet and coy.


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Did you like the quote from the same book and chapter that I posted?

Yep. Very true. Luckily we have white liberals who have helped us out.

Can you answer my question?

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White of 1967 …it must be said… probably were not putting forth the effort that we have since. King wrote that before you were even born. 50 years.

You love the past too much.