You know your woke when the French call you out

Those are known as soft sciences like sociology.

Hard science looks down at them.

You can thank Crenshaw for the legal system.

Which are?

Diversity does not mean diversity of thought.

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Funny, huh?

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Fundamental philosophies on governance, rights, etc.

:rofl: Growth? Like enlightenment?

What is the greatest example of those differences that are irreconcilable?

Yeah. That maybe a sociopathic dead monarch shouldn’t be held in a place of honor anymore.

Seems like an easy call.

Good question. Individualism v. Collectivism. Of course I like the 2nd Amendment arguments, but they’re easy for me.

That’s the epitome of Woke.


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What is the greatest issue of the day that shows an irreconcilable difference between individualism and collectivism?

How is it Woke?

I mean… I think that the definition of woke has expanded way beyond its original meaning.

Like I said, I like the 2nd.

Come on man.

That is an individual vs collective right?

That doesn’t seem right.

How is it a collective issue?

Not if you complete differential equations while your soft science peers take algebra 2.

The definition is being stretched.

Was the post Mortem rejection of Jimmy Saville being “woke”?

I’m talking about universities, not the school of the americas.

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