You know what I find hilarious

Speaker Mike, the Voice of the People’s House!
Mike! Mike! Mike!

Let’s roll, Mike!


Let’s see if he lasts fifteen days.

Fourth option. There will be three separate bills on Israel, the border and Ukraine and the House will pass each one or reject each one separately.

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I just don’t see a scenario where those bills would fail.

That didn’t age well


So when is that 2 weeks gonna happen?


Johnson is growing into that position.

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Pays to be on good terms with the incoming President.

“Good terms” … “take orders from”, no difference really.

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what happens when biden is re elected and the house flips.


Is anyone else a little weirded out by having another GOP Congressman with an informally “adopted” son? His “son” is 11 years younger than him, and was informally adopted by him when he was 14. He never includes his “son” in family photos, and since the “son” moved out he has been in trouble with the law. After Gaetz and Nester, this just strikes me as very odd. Perhaps it is nothing more than being a good Dude and helping a kid out, but he has changed the dates of the “adoption” a few times so that it included his wife. Initially it looked like he adopted the kid before he got married.


It’s also odd that the same GOP Congressman has no bank account. They’re all up in arms that Fani WIllis uses cash- this guy has no checking or savings accounts- at least that’s what he says.


All three bills should be soundly rejected.

No money for Ukraine or Israel or the border either as long as it is the permanent open borders Senate bill.

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That’s what you says he says. Do you have a quote from him to back up your allegation?

“The new House leader lists no bank accounts, including checking or savings, on financial disclosure forms going back to 2016.”

Well, of course we only know what he lists in his financial disclosures.

Huge difference.


By any means necessary…

Well that’s different.

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