You can't hold in person elections -- you'll kill thousands! Well . . . ummm . . . maybe not

So you agree that absentee ballots address any concern for health with voting in person.

No need to reinvent anything.

Is it your argument that all american citizens should be able to utilize absentee voting in November if they have health concerns related to covid-19?

Even if they are unwilling to go on person for fear of. catching it.

Same as a mail in ballot being pushed as new.

Nope, make voting easier.

How is it easier than an absentee ballot?

More voting days.

You have a generous window to send in an absentee ballot. How is adding more time before election day helpful?

Still not seeing any difference.

Have absentee ballot apply for CV19 and print up some extras and we are good to go.


If you can’t understand why more time would help then its hopeless.

Can you see why voting early becomes less intelligent and more dangerous the earlier it is exercised?

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It is a waste and duplication of effort.

Absentee ballot…The original vote by mail.

I know it is for repubs, that’s why they object.

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Why is it for repubs?

You cannot possibly show that to be true and we all know it.

Explain the mechanism by which we could catch them all without voter ID.

Yes, you are.

It’s dangerous because a hell of a lot can change in the last days, weeks, or month of an election cycle.

Theoretically at least a candidate could commit murder the night before an election on national TV and still win the election.

Wow. Woow. That is so wrong…I don’t know where to begin.

Or maybe I do. First of all, making a premature decision is dangerous. You don’t know all the facts, and voting is a right that should not be taken lightly because depending on how you use it, it can result in it being taken away, either directly or indirectly. Secondly, Republicans aren’t the only ones who do early voter fraud. I don’t know if it is due to a bigger population, but liberal safe havens such as California have a higher percentage of voter fraud, especially by absentee ballot fraud.

Simply click on a state on the map and it will tell you all of the instances of voter fraud, the name of the suspect, and the type of voter fraud they committed, as well as the year.

It is obvious that states with a voter ID requirement have less cases of voter fraud- because it works. Voter ID just identifies who you are, it doesn’t make it more difficult to vote. It is very easy to register to vote and to get an ID. I should think that the cost of a state ID, driver’s license, driving permit, etc., should be easier to obtain financially. All one should have to do is pay production costs. The state shouldn’t really get a stipend. But that’s the extent of where we might agree.

It’s what he does.

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But I am starting to enjoy them combusting. It gives off some water. Good ole water. And carbon Dioxide.

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Best edit dear. That won’t be allowed to stand.

Straight ticket voters will vote party over everything every time, it’s all that matters.

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