You can't hold in person elections -- you'll kill thousands! Well . . . ummm . . . maybe not

Hey that Chinese crap isn’t going to just sell itself. Why aren’t you going out and spending money? Your corporate overlords would really like to know.

Hell we used to have to make 150mi round trip to vote. :joy:

Seek help.

Remember this is the thread in which for the first time in history I’ve seen someone try to argue that people shouldn’t ave to put any effort into getting out of bed or feeding themselves… . :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Holy what the hell Batman! Somebody had to take a few hours our of their life to cast a vote, better call in the Marines!

Yes, illegal voters.

Why is that a problem?

Physician, heal thyself. :roll_eyes:

I’m doing great, I don’t need any. I never live in fear, I always have a plan and a positive outlook.


It’s not quite enough for a new paramotor yet (German import lol). Savings is the key. :wink:

But was any of it made in China though?, because the economy, dammit!

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It was made in China because Americans decided flooding the country with cheap disposable crap was preferable to good jobs with equally good benefits and quality non disposable merchandiser.

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No neither illegal voters or voter fraud is a problem.

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Yep, American manufacturers.

Excellent find and important data.

It was clear in the original post.

It conclusively refutes the fear mongering that thousands would get the virus and perhaps die.

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Time to release the unessentials with masks and soap.

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It is already easy.

Can’t be made easier.

Yes it can.

Local issue.

Not partisan.

Absentee ballot is already voting by mail.

Nothing needs to change.

Perfection is a journey, not a destination.