You believe O'Reilly who is now stating Trump intends to run again in 2024?

No, he is legally qualified to run. Maybe you mean capable?

Utter nonsense! :roll_eyes:

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I assume he meant the first definition of qualified, which is “fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose : competent,” and not the second definition, which is: “having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment) : eligible.”

If…after all of these centuries, you still have to say that…you’re wasting your time?


The Constitutional qualifications are natural born and at least 35 years of age. Therefore under this he is qualified.

Nowhere is it listed any other criteria to make one qualified.

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Yes, Trump was qualified using the second definition of the word, I agree. But I assume NJBob was using the first definition, which has a different meaning.

Well, he met your low bar.

You might want to do a little reading on the matter.

Right, let’s quibbling over semantics.

Better than quibbling over your lib opinion. :man_shrugging:

Why do you think you are qualified to say someone is (not) qualified for the presidency?

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Yes. They suffer.

Primarily because Hamas, their leadership, uses them as human shields.


Anyone that can pass the spoon test can see Trump isn’t up to the responsibility of the office of president.

We all dodged a bullet while he was president.

Better a president on the level of Carter than a president that’s a complete sociopath.

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Lib opinion noted.

You didn’t answer my question:

Don’t feel bad. No lib is qualified to say that.

Hint: We’re getting hit right between the eyes under this lib president.


You never had it so good until Chi-NA lung pow hit.


Which is irrelevant constitutionally, which is all I am saying.

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Please quote where I said I supported him.
I simply pointed out that factually he is qualified. Not that I supported him.

No, over fact.
You seem to think I support him running, you think wrong.

I simply stated that Consitutuonally he is qualified to run. Nothing more than that.

Never said you supported Trump. I only referenced the low bar you described.

Which is the Constitution.


And that, in your opinion, is all that’s required to be president? A low bar indeed.