Yoho dumped by Christian non-profit

This liberal didn’t

She has been criticized by other members. The House passed a bill in March to condemn “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry”. It did not name her directly but was reported to try to tamp down her remarks. And she did apologize for some of her comments. And she has gotten a lot of backlash from voters and newspapers in her district. Ultimately her actions may cost her seat in Congress.

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She was on the job. Had her defender too. Imagine that.

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No we are not.

No it won’t. She just sent out a mailer naming wealthy Jews as people who donate to her opponent. Not a peep from Congress or liberals. She can’t do any wrong.

Seems like AOC can dish it out, but not take it.

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Could have fooled me based on this thread and the defense of her.

You’re a liberal?

Such criticism!! That must sting!

She was with Move On. Are you saying she was drunk?

Why do you keep repeating this while ignoring the multiple liberals saying she is in fact wrong?

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She was. They aren’t hourly.

this is absurd. tlaib is also paid by taxpayers to represent them regardless of where she is.

asinine justification.

It’s always after the fact. So easy to condemn after it happens. And not all liberals are saying she’s wrong. Like Lucy.

exactly. the justification is asinine. and desperate. are we shocked?

Well no ■■■■■ Its pretty hard to condemn something before it happens. Wow


You know what I meant. How long ago did it happen? And only now it’s being condemned? Gimme a ■■■■■■■ break.

It only took a year and a half for that condemnation. You’re on top of it!

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They’re not? We are talking about politicians here correct?

Sorry to disappoint you but I condemned her at the time too

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