Yoho dumped by Christian non-profit

Damn bartenders. :man_shrugging:

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Broad daylight? Seems misogynistic.

Yeah…I know…“the tv told me so”. :sunglasses:

Drumroll pleasr…

What does that have to do with a meeting between Russia and the trump campaign.

Deflection duly noted.


Irrelevant. Ones moral standard should not be based on whether or not other people are adhering to it but whether or not the behavior is right or wrong. If Representative Yoho is a Christian then he is held to a higher standard than the rest of the world that isn’t. Not only by the rest of the world, but by God.

What’s duly noted is your totally dismissing something that was beyond criminal and did so for the only reason being…they’re on your political side. Stand up. Rise above this political corruption and let’s unite for this behavior to be investigated, charges levied if applicable and prosecuted. Our country has some serious house cleaning to do…on both sides of the aisle.

You do understand that those were not my words? On the rest, you know I agree with you.

We are not talking this.

We were talking about the kushner, junior, manafort meeting with the Russians to get dirt on hillary during the 2016 election campaign.

It happened. Yes it did.

It wasn’t a hoax.


And you are off topic. Please get back on topic.

The difference is they are both wrong. What little I know about the tenants of Islam is that Representative Rashida Tlaib violated those as well.

What someone feels about what happened three years ago has little relevance on whether or not what Representative Ted Yoho was wrong and that his fake apology revealed a lack of character.

Yet no one on the left criticized Tlaib at the time and said she was wrong. No one demanded an apology from her. Not a peep. Silence. Yet Yoho is wrong and Tlaib is an upstanding ■■■■■■■ representative full of character. The left always gets a pass.