Yet another example illustrating "Get Woke. Go Broke."

My my, facts. Their stock was falling even before Gov Ron yanked their self autonomy privileges and it became the media anti conservative crusade du jour.

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Banks IMHO are a necessary inconvenience.
A well known bank gave us a difficult time years back when the housing markets made buying a 2nd eventually retirement home in the sunshine state affordable. They dragged their feet on approval of the financing after all qualifying requirements were met and more. We came close to losing the deal as the seller became increasingly frustrated. I finally literally told a low level nobody in Houston that if this isnā€™t resolved and we lose this opportunity, I will take the next flight to Houston, find him and beat his ass. Fortunately we were successful and now live here full time. Same bank, when we sold our home and property up north the bank wanted us to refi the existing mortgage on the Florida home when we wanted to pay off the mortgage and made me wait for the THAT DAY payoff amount. They wanted the dough in the bank, another loan in progress and (hereā€™s the kicker), told us it would be a tax benefit. Funny, our accountant said the opposite.
Banks, ā– ā– ā– ā–  em

Is that drop unique to Disney?

I stopped counting after the 4th remake. :rofl:

There was nothing wrong with the original series. They shouldā€™ve kept that one going. They really did Ryoko dirty in the remakes.

Streaming has killed traditional network television.

I havenā€™t had satellite TV in over six years now. Saved a ton of money. Especially since Iā€™m picky with TV shows so I cancel and renew services constantly just to watch one new season of a show.

I suspect Iā€™m far from the only millennial who does that.


I cancelled Directv years agoā€¦ and it WAS cheaper for me to move to streaming with slingā€¦ the YouTube tv. However with all of the streaming services, I believe my bill probably exceeds what I paid for Directv in 2016.

However I do have more control over what I pay forā€¦ so thatā€™s a win


Yeah Dragonball is ridiculous on its face. And thereā€™s a ton of it so itā€™s hard to follow.

Iā€™d say try something like Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. Both are self contained 26 episode series that focus on adult content.

Bebop is at its core an exploration of the Western mythos but set in space. It also gets really deep with the characters. Itā€™s a character driven drama and a very well written one at that.

Ghost in the Shell is an exploration of the old question ā€œwhat makes us human?ā€ Itā€™s set in a near future where cybernetic implants have exploded in popularity, especially cyber brain cases that allows people to connect their very consciousness to the internet. Unfortunately a lot of criminals use hacking tech to essentially ā€œcyber jackā€ victims from everything to robbery to political assassinations. It follows the adventures of a Special Police force called Public Security Section 9. The team is made of varied specialists with extensive cybernetic implants, most of whom are ex military.

On a personal level, my dream gun is used by a character in Ghost in the Shell. The Mateba Unica 6 Auto-revolver chambered in .454 Casull. Unlike most anime, Ghost makes it a point to use actual firearms rather than just making up stuff. All of them are animated beautifully. Especially that Unica 6 that Togusa carries. Itā€™s even a mini plot point in the original film from 1995. The Major questions his decision to use a revolver on active duty and compares it to her Sig. To which Togusa simply replies that itā€™s something heā€™s comfortable with. Which sort of goes against the Majorā€™s entire viewpoint, since as a full cyborg she is all about efficiency. Little stuff like that is what makes Ghost in the Shell so great.

I did not even know about those others. So Tenchi has had as many relaunches as Transformers?

Tenchi Muyo!
Tenchi Universe
Tenchi in Tokyo
Tenchi Muyo! GXP
Ai Tenchi Muyo!


Yeah with cable or satellite youā€™re always paying for a few channels you watch and a bunch of others youā€™d never even consider viewing.

Streaming is better just from that standpoint. More control. Like I said Iā€™m extremely picky when it comes to full tv series; I prefer film or miniseries. So for me itā€™s nice being to cancel and renew at any time since I only watch one or two regular series on each streaming network.

One of those streaming services are really gonna get ahead of the rest when they introduce Dollar Binge Days.


Iā€™m surprised no one has done that yet.

Especially Netflix since they always release all episodes on drop day.

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I guess if I had pitched them the idea in the form of a showā€¦ :rofl:

Speaking of Netflix, I wonder if the following memo was in response to the Quarter that saw its first drop in subscribers:

Netflix Culture Memo Update: New Anti-Censorship, Spending Sections - Variety!

Netflix indeed learned that going woke had them going broke. I love it!

Theyā€™re operating to give viewers motion pictures from a variety of artists with different POV, & if the employees are that sensitive, they can look for new jobs.

Nah they are still cranking out woke garbage, they just arenā€™t willing to give up profits on popular non woke stuff. If Chappelle wasnā€™t a monster revenue generator they would have dumped him in a heartbeat.

I havenā€™t had cable in twelve years at this point. Except for sorts itā€™s useless and overpriced. I get 200 up/down internet for fifty a month and spend like 40 a month on multiple streaming services, instead of one fifty, two hundred for cable and internet.

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Probably too much intersectionality

Woke isnā€™t funny which is why it flopped. Now if it was a show making fun of woke it would have been a hit there is just so much material to work with.

There is a few comedians on YouTube that are considered college friendly stand up and itā€™s the most unfunny ā– ā– ā– ā–  ever.

I like all of those things. That sounds awesome.

Yes, an anti-woke comedy would be a hit until state-sponsored terrorists shut it down.

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