Yes! Trump should pocket veto the Swamps’ foreigners’ first Covid-19 relief bill

Sure they will. I’m sure the good people of Georgia would be overjoyed to receive a $600 crumb and later be taxed to pay out the billions and billions of dollars our swamp creatures will send to foreigner countries, and also hand over to domestic donors and lobbyists who fund their political campaigns.

Trump happens to be right in this case, and is once again exposing the reemergence of the swamp creatures who use government power to steal and then enjoy the wealth created by America’s labor, businesses and investors.


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.

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Yes, let’s forget that Trump has signed plenty of spending bills like this during his presidency. Suddenly, at the end of his presidency, he remembers that he is suppose to be draining the swamp instead of funding it.

Now that’s the voters decide to kick him out, Trump wants to act like he cares about the people. We can see through the lies. Same for Purdue and loeffler. All of them need to go!

No one is telling you to turn the other cheek. If Biden makes a mistake I expect him to be called out on it.
However there were a lot of Trump supporters here that got mad that we were not treating him well.
And a lot of those times was when he showed how ignorant he was about how government ran or resorted to childish tweets. We did not praise Trump just because we didn’t like him. There was cause.

For what it is worth, WH sources are saying that Trump is mad at the Republicans on the hill for not backing him on turning around the election. And so his motive here is to stick this to them at the eleventh hour. Sort of sounds like something he would think.

He’s been a turd for awhile, remember during the gun control meeting he brought the cameras in for and said the bipartisan duo trying to make a bill were afraid of the nra for not doing age restrictions?

That’s all he does, the great deal maker.

:rofl: :rofl:

Sure. Libs never said one nice thing about anything he did even when it was a win.


Too late.


yeah… the left telling the truth about trump means the right will tell lies about pelosi and biden…

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing.

The truth is, President Trump has kept his promises to unforgotten Americans. See: President Trump keeps promises to the ‘forgotten Americans’

"Mr. Trump’s “forgotten” are the average, patriotic hard-working Americans who pay taxes for government programs many of them will never use. Many are religious. Some are gun owners. A surprising number are Democrats, independents or political agnostics.

Indeed, African-Americans are part of the forgotten, too. For decades, politicians have repeatedly promised urban communities good jobs, good schools and safe neighborhoods. Instead, they have delivered policies that more often increased crime, degraded educational standards and made it harder to get work. As the daughter of a former welfare recipient who spent my early years growing up in government housing, I know this more than most."


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.

What ever happened to line item veto?

There were many times when you considered something a win that the folks like me did not.
Case in point. A bunch of Trump supporters were surprised that not everybody thought the tax cuts were a great thing. And even as it was pointed out to them that taxes would go way up starting in 2023 they persisted. I remember one guy calling me “ungrateful.”

Remains to be seen. What difference does that make?

declared unconstitutional in 1997

Both parties in Congress didn’t like the idea of giving the POTUS the power of the purse.
It was also argued that a president could use it as a political weapon against members of Congress that he/she didn’t like.

Bad luck that.

It’s not “giving the power of the purse”. What happens with a veto?

I was just saying that it was the argument that was given to the press.
And certainly the line item veto as structured was like any other veto and could be overridden.

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This isn’t accurate, actually.

The line-item veto had significant bi-partisan support in Congress - it passed quite easily, with members of Congress on both sides realized it was in fact passing the buck to the President to deal with earmarks and pork.

SCOTUS killed it.

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The SCOTUS found the 1996 bill illegal. However they never got the 2006 bill because it died in the Senate.

Well, a lot changed politically in those 10 years as well.