Yes! Trump should pocket veto the Swamps’ foreigners’ first Covid-19 relief bill


While the good people of, e.g., Georgia, struggle under the Covid Pandemic and find thousands of businesses closing down leaving hundreds of thousands of people unemployed and unable to meet their rent and other necessities of life, our swamp creatures in Congress pass a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill with the majority of money going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, innocuously referred to as “pork”, while Pelosi tosses a mere $600 crumb to struggling people who have had their lives and businesses wrecked by the pandemic.

Keep in mind our swamp creatures use these thousand-page plus “omnibus spending bills”, which no one intentionally has time to read, to funnel your tax dollars to their donors and powerful lobbyists. And you, the good people of Georgia, get the privilege of being taxed to finance these money laundering schemes and operations, in addition to being a victim of the pandemic.

I hope the good people of Georgia stand with President Trump in his threat to veto the Bill unless dramatic changes are made, including the removal of unrelated Covid “pork” which benefits foreigners and Congress’ donors, and adds meaningful financial relief to Georgia’s businesses and unemployed who have actually suffered during this pandemic.

For those interested in some of Congress’ quid pro quo money laundering operations see Here’s a list of Democrat socialist pork (not corona-related) in Coronavirus relief bill

Also see: Billions in foreign aid, pet projects stuffed into COVID relief bill

Hopefully the good people of Georgia remember, while they suffer, our Congress critters live large on your dime!


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.


So at first McConnell doesn’t want any bill. Then it is reported that he tells his Republican caucus that the only reason he will pass a bill is because the two candidates in Georgia are getting beat-up. And all along Pelosi is saying that the relief checks should be more then $600. And you are going to blame her for the sum of the checks?


Pelosi called $1200 crumbs.

Now she calls the $600 significant.

Any defense she is making is because she is getting her ass handed to her for this piece of ■■■■ bill that sends more money to foreign nations for ■■■■■■■■ than to the American people.

Recall all that money they are sending outside the US back to the people here.

That ■■■■■■■ simple.

Being the evil spawn of Satan that she is, we will blame her for everything. Even if she had nothing to do with it. You know. Exactly like what you did to Trump. We like your rules. We will use them mercilessly.

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Well, when Pelosi claims a $600 crumb to people who have lost their jobs and cannot meet their necessities of life because of the pandemic is “significant” in a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill of which the majority of money is going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, you bet I lay the blame at her door!


When our federal judicial system ignores our written Constitution and assents to legislative acts contrary to our supreme law of the land, it not only opens the door to anarchy, but participates in such treachery.

Republicans didn’t also accept the $600 dollar payments? I’m not understanding why this is all on Pelosi… she is definitely a part of it but many republicans accepted it as well.

Excellent! He should demand a new bill that is actually a Covid bill. No longer than ten pages. Only Covid.

The same reason the last four years was all on Trump. We will blame her and Biden for everything. Without Mercy. We will use the Trump rule that libs invented.

These boards went crazy whenever Bush was mentioned to defend Obama.
And I personally will not condone negative comparisons to Trump.
Anything Biden does should be stand alone.
And you say “what you did to Trump”. Most of it was what Trump did to himself.
People pointing out his lies and ignorant comments were somehow out to get him.

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Well Trump is the leader of the Republicans party and the nation. Pelosi is the leader of the house. That’s it.

She has responsibilities as that leader… but when it comes to this bill… Republicans signed on as well.

Not everything has to be hyper partisan

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She also said in her statement that she wished the amount was more.
And if you are going to complain about the money going elsewhere you better first look at the roll Mnuchin played in all of this. He was driving the bus on what was put in this bill and the amounts. So you can lay the blame at her door. But it seems to me that not also laying blame with the Republican led Senate also is not fair.

But what about Baltimore?

No one on this end is saying its all on Pelosi.

The fact is, these “omnibus spending bills” are an old trick used by the Republican/Democrat swamp creatures to reward their big donors, while screwing the American Tax Payers, including those now suffering from the pandemic.

A $600 "significant" crumb is exactly what the good people of Georgia need in a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill, the majority of money going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, innocuously referred to as “pork”, .


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel


In the meantime . . . click on the following link,

Don’t freaken worry. Our grand and great grand children can pay for the swamp creatures’ money laundering operations.


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.

Thanks for showing your true color. We can now see that your argument is nothing but bias and partisan.

Why would she wish it was more?

According to her $1200 is crumbs.

She now feels $600 is significant

She should be happy.

Yes, we know, we are supposed to forget the actions of libs the past 4+ years and pretend none of it happened and turn the other cheek, blah, blah, blah.

Every damn time.


I’m here for Republicans complaining Pelosi isnt handing out enough free stuff.

And satisfied.

I don’t know about yall but for me the real entertainment comes from that sort of self knot twisting.

This is like a win/win/win/win. Ask me to define each of those wins and I will.


Well, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will certainly have a much easier time winning the GA runoff election if Trump vetoes it.

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the house minority leader says no chance of a 2k stimulus
trump vetoes pay hikes for the military
trump threatens no to sign a 600 check for people

the GOP is writing teh democratic commercials for georgia

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