Yes, Bernie Sanders! There is income inequality. So, freaken what?

Is it any more arbitrary than how current CEO pay is determined?

“Worth” is arbitrary. Is the American Airlines CEO worth what he is making?

Worth with caps. Can you think of any reason why 1 person should have 1 billion dollars? Would they survive on 100 million?

How do we implement caps? Tax them like we at 90% above 50 million or 100 million

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No it’s not. It never is.

I was being facetious. BOD’s and executives are pretty chummy and are hardly independent. Many times BOD’s have other CEO’s on them. Foxes and henhouses seems appropriate here.

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It is a pretended myth panhandled by political opportunists, especially political leaders who promote communism and socialism, and promise to provide “free” government cheese if elected. You seem to suggest I am lying about my background. Are you?


When it comes to healthcare for the needy and poor, our democrat candidates running for office have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the needy.

Ditto. I would still have incentive to work hard if knew I would get taxed at 90% above 50 million. Which is 250 times my income right now :joy:

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Then anyone should be able to!

If you want to make what CEOs make, then be a CEO.

Damned straight, complaining about CEO salaries is envy!


Progressive tax code is a start

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No, it isn’t. It’s been around since 1862.

Didn’t stop the Beatles!

How is progressive tax code not an ATTEMPT at equity?

It’s not a START.

Your progressive tax code, which robs the bread earned by the sweat of a working person’s labor, is perhaps one of the most notoriously evil systems of taxation. Not only does it rob the property earned by the sweat of one’s labor, it also allows the lazy but able bodied citizen to escape contributing an equal share in supporting the functions of government.


“The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of the poor man lies in the strength and dexterity of his own hands; and to hinder him from employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper, without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property.” ___ Butchers’ Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111 U.S. 746 (1884)


And who determines that?

Not in the least.

Nope sorry.

there so much wrong here i dont know where to begin

gimme a few mins

i’ll start a pot of coffee

Of course it is.

Nope sorry.

so… what determines ceo compensation?

Problem is they aren’t.

CEOs - most of them, at any rate, are like those folks who sit on boards of directors - members of the Old Boys Club or whatever you want to call it.

Drive a company into the ground? No problem. After you’ve spend your golden parachute, just come and work for me at that business there. Try not to drive it into the ground but if you do, it’s all right, I’ve got anther position waiting for you.