Yay! U.S. women's soccer team loses to Sweden!

Glad we brought up hypothetical Bs to prove a point that can’t be proven.

Your literally having a fit because some woman knelt before a soccer game.

Your confusing nationalism and patriotism.
standing for a song doesn’t create unity its literally pointless.

My fit is that we are so damn focused on what we hate about this place instead of what we love! Every Fn country has injustices! Do you see china taking a knee? Russia? Spain? When theirs is played! It’s all about self opportunism!

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Maybe because they want to make America a better place.

They are yin and yang! One can’t exist without the other

Or maybe they hate it more than they love it!

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They are not similar at all.

Of course they are! If I hate this country more than I love it does that make me patriotic?

You define hating America as kneeling during a song.
You don’t want patriotism, you want blind obedience.

Your ignoring the argument I am making, and I understand why!

what argument, they are kneeling to bring awareness to issues facing America to make it better, that is pretty patriotic.

There is a time and place to protest things you want better! The olympics isn’t it! We are the only FN country doing this stupid ■■■■■

a time and place defined by who.

Or better known as something they hate about America! I know you love playing the game of words here

Americans as a whole! They represent us! Not themselves!

Yes American hate America so much they fought a bloody war so you have overtime and the 40 hour work week.

majority of American support criminal justice reform.

Lol Democrats act as if America isn’t worth fighting for on a daily basis and point out what they hate more than they love! Ask Colin Kaepernick what he loves about America and you’ll get crickets

Not at all, we are still talking about commercials with terrible social issues in them. I want my pizza hot, damnit.