Wow! pelosi and the liberal msm Tell cortez, omar, tlaib... To Go To Back of the Bus

They already have. Aides to AOC have also called some in the party segregationists.

They are digging their own graves.

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AOC is electrified “woke” level 10

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Really? I’m sure you have a link. Can you post ti?

Just for you I’ll even give you an NPR link.

The fight escalated when the chief of staff to Ocasio-Cortez compared moderates to segregationists in a tweet that has since been deleted. The tweet suggested that two moderate groups, the Blue Dogs and the New Democrats, be called New Southern Democrats, a group of Democrats who once supported segregation. He added, “They certainly seem hell bent to do to black and brown people today what the old Southern Democrats did [in] the 40s.”

The staffer continued to argue on Twitter that the moderate wing may not be racist but was still backing policies that could harm communities of color.

Those comments enraged moderates and members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., the vice chair of the moderate New Democrat Coalition and a member of the CBC, released a statement condemning the remarks.

“To even insinuate that I, or any other member of the New Dems, would promote policies that are racist and hateful or ones that would negatively impact communities of color is deeply offensive and couldn’t be further from the truth,” Sewell said.

The controversy was so widespread that Pelosi addressed the issue directly Wednesday in a weekly closed-door meeting for all House Democrats.


wow. other democrats nailing her about this. that’s something since no matter how stupid or corrupt democrats get the other dems defend them like angry bees around the hive.

“How dare they try to play the race card at this point,” said Rep. William Lacy Clay, an African-American Democrat from Missouri who faces a primary challenge backed by allies of Ocasio-Cortez. He called those making the claims “ignorant” of racial history. “It shows the weakness of their argument. It’s damaging to this party and the internal workings of the Democratic party.”

couldnt find it on cnn or msnbc oddly but that might be due to leftist google

found it on AP wire

poor AOC. her naive arrogant idiocy plus racial identity politics recipe is finally causing her problems

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Browse the thread.


And the future is … NOW!!!

Electric Glide Woke!

Cat FIGHT!!!


OMG! This is so terrible!

A bunch of old, white, conservative men trying to find a way to get a strong progressive woman out of power.

Nothing new about this.

Pelosi was not happy. She had to have a little come to Jesus meeting with AOC and her cohorts.

You don’t fool me. Had a Republican said that you would have lost your ■■■■■

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No worries. the fat, mad king has that covered on a daily basis, yet you give him a pass.

Pelosi is getting tired of their games.

“They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them.”

Pissing off the Speaker when you are a freshman, whining about the work required because of the committees she put you on…I think Pelosi is gonna win this one.


You are so predictable. :wink:


No capital letter for Trump’s name.
That occurs in early Stages of TDS

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: poned!

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Either/or, for or against the older and the younger dem members during this called out matter of color debate, it would deem more appropriate to call it a matter of mouth, as in attitude exhibited by the 4 youngest dems.
Really, there is still a decorum of respectfulness, dignity, common courtesy that should be the traditional conduct of engagement by all members within that party.

I don’t care at all for the uncharacteristic, childishly disdainful facial expressions and cartoonish utterance of speech by Pelosi or Schumer in reference to all things republican or Trump related, but I truly can’t condone outright disrespect for one’s elders, in this case being the older members of the dem party, no matter who they are or how much I dislike them.

…come on now.