Wow! pelosi and the liberal msm Tell cortez, omar, tlaib... To Go To Back of the Bus

haha. yeah… they learned “a lesson”

the lesson is heap on more racial identity politics. the flailing left never thinks what they are doing is wrong, only that they haven’t done enough of it yet.

such anger in these posts

try to address AOC’s racial identity politics rather than insulting posters

i know it’s embarassing but that’s the face of the glorious “rolling stone cover” lefty darlings nowadays

Neither party is innocent when it comes to racial identity politics. All they care about is getting enough votes to retain power. After that, their attitude is “screw the little guy.”

People really need to wake up and realize neither party has their best interests in mind.


no. the republicans do not engage in it everytime they open their mouth like she does

the ”everybody does it” crap is an attempt to deflect from their full time engagement of racial politics.

her whole political existence depends on it and it’s the lens through which she sees everything, past and present.

That’s the funny thing - neither side can see it in themselves, and will deny it vehemently. I’m independent, so I can see it in both sides.

Self reflection would be good for individuals in both sides.

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AOC uses it all the time. and often the others like the foul mouthed tlaib, and others in the “hamas causus” retort “racist” like robots over things that dont even involve race

only democrats do this like this

maybe you arent as “independent” as you think

If anything, I lean right.

However, there isn’t currently a party that represents conservative values, thus I’m independent.


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Yeah she really hates women of color. Just like joe biden’s old senate friends he tried to stop busing with.

I’m enjoying it all. :popcorn::smile:

Lots of stretching to gin up outrage against Pelosi here.

Why not just acknowledge that all the “AOC is the new face of the Democratic Party” comments were nonsense.

Why not acknowledge that Nancy Pelosi has the balls to control the radical fringe in her caucus, something neither Paul Ryan or John Boehner had when they were Speakers.

Basically Nancy Pelosi it to recent Republican Speakers as the US Women’s Soccer Team is to the US Men’s Soccer Team. Only one of them is up to the job.

Those hardcore lefties need to sit down and shut.

Why figuratively? She can and should do so loudly to set an example for any usurpers to try and take the stage before her daughter Christine is ready for prime time.


Yeah, I was told a few months ago when Omar was “smacked down” by Pelosi that they’d all learned their lessons. Same old story… same old song and dance.

Who told you that? Please post a reference.

Pelosi is the nightmare they can’t get rid of, so they invent these scenarios to make themselves feel better at night.

Freshman members have NO power, no matter how much they try to convince themselves they do.

Those young 4 women are the future of democrat party…listen to em.

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They already have. Aides to AOC have also called some in the party segregationists.

They are digging their own graves.

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AOC is electrified “woke” level 10

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Really? I’m sure you have a link. Can you post ti?