Wow! china joe biden Asked xi To Help Make Him President

As was Trumps statement about Russia finding Hillary’s missing 30,000 deleted emails, but libs ran with the lie that he was actually asking Russia to intervene.

Pot, kettle.

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No as was pointed out…they “ran with it” when it started to become apparent Trump actually was being briefed on the emails by Roger Stone…among other things.

Keep reading the thread.

Hunters a billionaire?

Show me the Forbes list of billionaires. I wanna see where Hunter ranks.

I think you just got tricked into doing someone’s homework for them. :wink:

Silly Joe. Didn’t he realize Trump asked first??

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This is incriminating, shocked the ccp hasn’t removed your thread to protect Biden.

At this point i wouldn’t be surprised. South China daily propaganda outlet did have a pro biden article explaining why Biden is better.

A quote from the biggest war mongers in the nation why you think Trump got fired him? and you actually believe the war monger that Bolton is?

If it’s between Bolton and Trump, of course I believe Bolton.

The same mean Bolton that said “We got bomb someboday or anybody on Iran” a few years back on Fox news?
Yeah sure you go ahead and believe the biggest war monger.

If the China’s regime said the same i am sure u would believe their regime to.

Over Trump? You’d better believe it.

It’s easy to tell when Trump is lying. His mouth is moving.

I would rather have Trump for four years then a guy like Biden/Harris and the Chinese gov loves Biden their propaganda news outlet have shown their support for Biden.

Trump is lying. His mouth is moving

Ah yes you have the trump derangement syndrome, Trump lied about what now? i assume you were for Hillary? that explains it. :roll_eyes:

Actually, I voted for Ted Cruz in the Primary and Evan McMullin in the General.

I do have Trump to thank for my decision to exit the Republican party though

I do have Trump to thank for my decision to exit the Republican party though

There are a lot more democrats exiting democrat and who are being attacked for. I am sure you made the right decision by siding with a party that is still afraid and calling out and naming antifa and BLM for their crimes on rioting and looting.

A party that featured the BLM on the first night of their convention…

Over a party that is backing Trump?

Definitely. No contest there

Seems like you ignored my point about the democrats backing BLM or how they were featured in the convention :roll_eyes:

Same response there.

One of these days, the GOP MIGHT get just how awful a candidate they selected in Trump.


I have my doubts though.

Biden and Harris winning a landslide? nope i see Trump winning and seeing these riots and “protests” are still happening with the BLM intimidating people this will still happen if Biden wins

Yes i am sure Romney would have being a better choice or even Jeb Bush? why you think Jeb Bush lost? because of His Brother’s legacy of the war in Iraq…