Would gropey joe biden Have "Won" the 2020 Election If Not For covid-19?

Absolutely correct. Biden won as a unifier. People were told he would be a “caretaker” President and nothing much would happen in his term. Instead he immediately opens the border to a surge of illegals and wants to throw away 3,500,000,000,000 dollars.
He said he had a plan for covid 19. His plan was to keep the very system for delivering the vaccine that was set up in the Trump administration and to take credit for it. He had no plan.
His foreign policy that was going to be America back again…well we all know what happened there.


That wasn’t the question.

You’ll have to talk to gropey’s handlers who all abandoned him for team corrupt hillary.

My post is both consistent with previous comments I have made about the reasons behind the 2020 result and the question raised in this thread.

Lol COVID should have guaranteed Trump’s re-election. All he had to do was rally round the flag and let the CDC do what it does. But instead he decided to do the opposite.

If Trump had come across as even minimally competent with COVID they would have carried him over the finish line on their shoulders.


Trump did not lose because of Covid 19, he lost due to his fumbling and mixed messages over Covid 19.

Covid 19 response was his make or break and he flubed it.

the politicization of covid by democrats is what defeated him. nothing more.

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A great description of the Biden failure…

Thank you.


With respect, I think he was referring to both parties.

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Not accurate at all. Trump’s inept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is the reason he lost.

except that its not true.

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Clearly governments have been returned who have demonstrated competence in their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The most recent example was the return of the Trudeau government in Canada.

dude, even saint fauci said trump did everything they recommended (more even).

trump did not lose because of his handling of covid, he lost because he said some things which taken out of context were completely stupid and the democrats used that to politicize covid and advance a false narrative. very effectively i might add. might be the last effective thing they’ve done.


Not sure how Dr Fauci can be a saint since he is still alive. As for the rest of the post people saw, read and heard what he said in public and found out what he had been told in private. They were not compatible positions and Trump suffered an election lost as a consequence.

Yes I see that. I think Dems would be happy to bring in someone younger with more vitality too.

Thank you! BEST President in my lifetime, more effective then Reagan. It just makes me sick how the despicable Dems manipulated Covid19 to rig the election.

Nah he spent 2020 playing it down, offering stupid therapies, holding maskless rallies, getting people infected who later died (Cain), getting sick himself, doing publicity stunts which made him look crazy (driving around Walter reed) and then spending the last few months out of his mind about losing the election and trying to pull off a coup.

He is hated for good reason. He won’t win the presidency back and y’all really really need to move on from him if you want to take back the White House.

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your faithfulness to the narrative is noted.

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Trump couldn’t even win re-election so that hardly indicates that he was more effective than Reagan.