Would democrats use mail in balloting to steal an election?

Your answer wasn’t actually anything meaningful, just a word salad that doesn’t describe a difference at all.

One is tightly controlled, the other is a mass mail system.

How so?


Yeah, there’s no potential for fraud with millions of votes sitting out there not cast. . .

You haven’t described how a plan for widespread voter fraud could take place. A person fraudulently mailing in 5 ballots that were erroneously sent to his address does not sound like a coherent plan for widespread election fraud to affect an election.

The counting process is the issue bud. Seriously. We have enough problems with chain of custody with ballots that aren’t mailed in. Why would it be any different with mailed in ballots?

The counting process is a problem. Agreed. Mail in ballots provide a paper trail and more accountability than electronic voting machines.

For stealing elections.

It’s clear this meme is being set up now to explain away a potential Trump loss.

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What meme? If he loses I won’t be explaining anything. It would be too late by then. Is that clear enough?

The meme of election fraud. It’s going to be the next set of talking points in the case of a Trump loss.

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Sure. But not by me. My top concern would be surviving a Biden Presidency. The market loves Trump. It will hate Biden. He’s weak and will be led by Pelosi and company. I just want to retire without being wiped out.

From the forgotten man to the market? He’s already adopted the stock market talking points. It’s a losing strategy.

I’m not concerned with strategy. The economy was a rocket ship under Trump. If Biden does not undo everything Trump did, it might stay that way. I think he will probably tinker too much. We’ll see. I’m not confident he won’t kill the golden goose.

They’re going to be in damage control mode, not ‘tinker’ mode.

What could possible go wrong?

" The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) endorsed Biden after they had previously endorsed Bernie Sanders in the primaries.


I hope you’re right, But I fear you’re not. I think re-regulation, massive tax increases and energy usage fees will be at the top of the list. This will throw a lot of cold water on a hot economy.

If that is the case, there will be austerity cuts to accompany it.

No actually they’re the same system, tightly controlled.

Mail in even more so than absentee, at least in my state.

I applied for mail in voting, got my ballot and mailed it in. Had to supply my photo ID and it was checked against my registration to qualify for the ballot.

Had I gone to the polling station, I would have found they would have been informed I got a mail in ballot. Had my ballot been received by the state by the time Election Day rolled around, they would have known it and told me I already voted.

Had it not been received by the state I still would have only been allowed to cast a provisional ballot which wouldn’t have counted once my mail in ballot arrived.

We have had mail in voting in earnest in several states for at least 30 years. The documented cases of fraud/alleged fraud together is not even noise in the signal…it’s nothing.

30 years of evidence shows you are incorrect.

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Everyone who requests a mail-in ballot can already get one. To send a mail-in ballot to a person who does not want a mail-in ballot potentially disenfranchises their polling booth vote if their mail is intercepted by someone who wants to highjack their vote.

We shall see. I’m not confident they won’t totally screw up a good thing.

Primary voters rejected Bernie Sanders. I don’t think the sky is falling with a Biden administration.