The President pelosi Scenario

I doubt she wants it. Not where the power is.

Have ya’ll even read the Constitution?

  1. Peolosi does not become the President for a 4 year term.

  2. Under the 12th Amendment if no President wins the election then the House selects the President, not by majority of members, but by each state delegation getting 1 vote. In other words the fact that California and New York have more Rep’s is irrelevant since the State delegation gets only 1 vote.

  3. Under the 12th Amendment if no Vice President wins the election then the Senate selects the Vice President.

  4. If the House doesn’t select a President, then come January 20th the Vice President that the Senate selected becomes President.
    Again the fact that DEM Representatives outnumber GOP Representatives is irrelevant to Presidential selection in the case of no clear winner in the Electoral Count as each State contingent only gets 1 vote.
    .WW, PSHS

That should get a good chuckle out of the other members of the House

The CEC whips up mighty tales.

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With good reason. Some Liberals are as well.

More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes. In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes. In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day. It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

Verruca would’ve been just as accurate. Well played on several levels. :clap:

In person voting can have it’s challenges as well. 2000 election anyone? I got rather tired of hearing about Chad hanging around and causing mischief

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Tanks… She certainly has them where she wants them. She has Nadler by the Nads. :relieved:

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Hypocrisy noted

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Then why did you post that mail-in ballots work good if you want to steal an election. It seems that you’re trying to have it both ways

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Idiocy and inability to understand what an absentee ballot is also noted. You’ve been watching too much CNN. They’ve ruined your capability to actually think for yourself. In case you were wondering. Nobody is opposed to absentee ballots. Your friends at CNN are dumbasses.

You’ve noted me and I’ve noted you. Now what?


What’s not to understand?

You said you used a mail-in ballot to elect Trump but also said that they are a means of stealing an election. That’s talking out of both sides of your mouth

Please explain in detail the difference between an absentee ballot and mail-in if you are able?

Please ask respectfully if you are able. Fair enough? It’s actually that not hard to do.

Coming from someone who always cries whenever anyone ever goes personal in the slightest

Expectations met. I knew you would whiff

[quote=“sikofit, post:39, topic:233690, full:true”]

I can and I will reply. You have my word on it. Talk to me like I’m an actual human being and let’s take it from there. Give it a try. Why is that so difficult for you?

So nothing? Yeah I didn’t think so.

Mod Note

Let’s tone it down a little please. Don’t get personal.

Mail in voting is the biggliest fraud ever, though. So I’ve been told. You’d think Trump would have though far enough ahead about the Pelosi dillema before spouting off… oh, who am I kidding?