World peace may be on the brink, but Trump is very interested in freeing A$AP Rocky

Heyoooo !!! :drum:

Uh oh.
Is he kidding?

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Wow that is a pathetic tweet.

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Unbelievable. This goober should have better ways to spend his time other than watching videos and tweetering to heads of state to interfere in their justice system.

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I just saw the guy who got into it with Rocky is a convicted criminal - assault in 2016.

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The video definitely doesn’t show that Rocky was at fault; that dude was following them like a dumbass, claims they took his headphones, supposedly tried to hit his bodyguard w/ the headphones

Oh, snap.


Do you think that was his purpose?

Interfere with Sweden’s justice procedures, just to irritate “leftists” here in the US?

Aren’t there any legitimately innocent people incarcerated abroad that he could do some good with, instead of tweeting on high profile idiots like LaVar Ball and this idiot, who deserve to be in jail?

Everything he does and tweets is an eleventy dimensional chess move 
C’mon that’s common knowledge, get with the program

Clear? Former Swedish Prime Minister bitch slap to Trump

As long as ABBA’s next

Remember all the CEC outrage when rapper 'Common" visited the White House?


I think this is a splendid point. Trump jumps in in an unfinished case in a foreign country where, even if this A$AP guy is found guilty, he’ll serve a sentence and be just fine.

Trump refuses to step in to a horrifying murder case in Saudi Arabia involving Khashoggi- because he wants to sell arms to SA.

No wonder Sweden told him to get lost.

Though if you can successfully escape the foreign country in question, then go right ahead.

Which demographics? American is also a demographic.

Maybe on this one. Definitely on others.

Trump uses his iPhone like a laser pointer to tease lib cats.

I enjoy seeing how “interfere” has morphed into just about anything counting as “interference” now.

Wait. Wouldn’t that be interference?

He said yesterday that we are one.

You know e pluribis unum.

He’s all the map on this one, trying to get his bearings.


Interesting how one American in a bar fight gets the full force of the law in Sweden, while violent offenders from other demographics are treated with kid-gloves and allowed to prevent Swedish law officers from even entering some areas of the same country.

Happy now?

Why didn’t Trump send a special envoy to help this guy out?
MOSCOW — Paul Whelan, the 49-year-old American who was arrested here eight months ago on suspicion of being a spy, was told by a judge Friday that he will have to spend another two months in jail while prosecutors continue their pre-trial investigation.