Women's body rights

Yeah, we Cons want to punish the guilty. The Left wants to protect the murder of the innocent.

Let’s run with that truism.

Or, if the baby is a girl… Does she have the right to control her own body?

As they say: the only people for abortion have already been born.


Should be legal for men as well.

Yep if she gets pregnant she can decide whether or not to have an abortion.

But, if she does not want to die… Too bad, right? So, she’s not allowed to control her own body.

And you have the control not to get pregnant…

We have Strip clubs, we have pornography if a woman can make money in those industries fine. So if a woman wants to have a career selling sex for the money its fine with me. But make pimping illegal. She should be a sole proprietor. Not beholden to her pimp for any share. That’s where it should be illegal.

No. It should not be legalized.

I see we’ve got more big government conservatives in this thread advocating that the government knows what’s best for citizens.

Not while she’s inhabiting the body of someone else, which is something you guy’s like to ignore.

What is being ignored is that is the habitat where life begins. The parents have the right not to allow a life to form in that habitat, but once it does, the habitat belongs as much to the child as to its mother.

Let’s consider this: Imagine a time where instead of a life being aborted, it can instead be taken, put into an environment in which it can thrive until it is viable. The mother then must come pick it up and take care of it from then on out.

Would you be in favor of that scenario where the woman had not had to carry the baby within her body? She and the father simply had to provide care for it for about 20 years once it was viable?

Um, yeah. The biggest problem with hooking isn’t the sex, it’s the pimping and with their inability to go to the cops.

We’re you expecting a different answer?

I see that kind of tech to be the only way abortion will ever cease.

Thats pretty much what Germany does with legal prostitution and it works well there.

It does? So lawyers can sue on the child’s behalf to stop the mother from drinking?

So if there is a 50/50 chance of the mother dying by giving birth, because there is equal ownership of her body the child (via a lawyer) can force her to take the chance so he can be born?

No, I doubt even you would agree in those logical consequences of equal ownership of the womb.

It’s no accident that people have sex either…

Let’s clarify a few things. First, I’ve never heard of any time where a woman was forced to have a baby when the birth would endanger her life. If I’m wrong here, correct me. If I’m right, then why do we now need new laws specifying late term abortions are legal? Second: let’s also clarify that an abortion is a deliberate act, done by a woman, to terminate the life she helped create by an act she chose to do. Terminating the life is the focus of the procedure.

If the womans life is truly endangered by giving birth the focus is entirely different. In this case, the woman is the focus and the intent of the procedure is to save a life, not terminate a life. Though both result in the death of an unborn child, they are not morally the same.

I believe God, and certainly society, understands that a woman who is someone’s daughter, wife, sister or mother etc. IOW, someone who has a life, would have to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy rather than sacrifice herself. But abortions done just so women can avoid the life changing consequences that having a baby brings is murder…

But getting pregnant is.

Are you saying that women have no control over having sex? If not, that is called rape and I believe rapists should be put to death. If it’s not rape, and women do, in fact, have control over their sexual urges, then I have no sympathy for them. Excercise some SELF control and there wouldn’t be a problem.

That’s one of the big differences between conservatives and liberals- we believe in personal responsibility…

You might believe in it, but I haven’t seen you guy’s actually do it. And when a woman has sex is it 100% guaranteed that she will become pregnant unless BC is used?