Women's body rights

It was IIRC the movie he made before Johnny Dangerously, which, I also recommend.

Broad brushing is ugly.

Not to mention the death penalty.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament
Florynce Kennedy, Gloria Steinem, and others.

It is NO ACCIDENT that it is two main religious sects…Catholics and Evangelicals, that are male dominated that are the most vocal against legal abortion. It is NO ACCIDENT that the political party most run by males that is the most vocal against legal abortion.


How do you know they used to live happily ever after?

High infant mortality rate?
High death rate for women from childbirth?
Slavery tearing families apart?
Men abandoning or beating their families?
Those who knew they were somehow different had to suppress it or else be killed.
Children having to grow up real fast to work the fields or in the factories.
Sound like happily ever after to you?

Of course you are right because there is always a twist or a spin to everything and we use that twist or spend to take away from common sense methods. Everything that we want to feel good about we can turn it around against common sense. We won’t shoot a baby in the head: OH NO! BUT we can make it “go to sleep” in mommy tummy even though the heart was pumping and hands were moving and he/she was eating? No u answer that because u know what is happily ever after. My point is this: common sense is simply doing the best common and legitimate thing. If all woman did abortions: I would still be someone in a dream. Probably a lot better than this Earth but my mother did the common sensable thing. All our parents did. But if they didn’t we would be here. If it was common sense to abort and not common sense to have kids. We would all be like the woman having sex with a dog. The Doggy sex. Why? Because there wound not be enough people to mate. Common sense is the only sense that’s my point.

Just like if it was common sense for me as a man to have sex with men and women with woman. In 100 years our Earth would belong to the animals because no humans would remain. That’s why common sense like our parents did to make us was male and female. Those things fit right in together and God made it feel good: most of the time. But through the thing of finding that one excuse of: oh I got touched o raped or whatever means over 20 percent of black American males in ATL have to be gay? Oh no.

So your tale about the home back in the day. Those family’s have something our familys rarely have: love. They had respect for each other for the most part. Yeah they worked hard on the farm but they didn’t need food stamps like us or wic. They put their hands to the plough and worked. We have both parents working now: who has time to have and then raise a baby? Woman don’t want a baby they don’t have time for it and you know that? Men don’t want a baby: too many diapers to change too expensive gotta slow down etc. You see how common sense gets turned into what feels and sounds better? Hey all the baby do is cry anyway I gotta go to work in the morning. Very stingy very bitter very very covetous very bad.

What would you call taking away a person’s freedom of choice and forcing them to remain pregnant against their wishes?

Me thinks that sound an awful like enslavement.

Yes…along with drugs…firearms…food …who you marry…porn and so on and so on…

Freedom is an important thing…

Sorry, what?

Way to go…make light of slavery.

There is nothing light about stripping a person of their freedom to choose.

A pimp would force a woman to have an abortion so she could keep working for him.

He’s anti-choice, just like the people who want to force a woman to remain pregnant.

To me, they are just as repulsive as the pimp. Booyakasha

It should be because it makes it 10000% safer for woman and help eliminate sex trafficking.

Probably yes.

And if the protection fails?

So you are pro-choice on prostitution?


Why not just answer the question? It was a legitimate question.

I think you mean “rent”.

And its not the body that is being rented, it is the services.
By analogy one is not renting (or buying) the hands of a massage therapist, one is paying for the therapist to use those hands in a particular manner.

One does not rent a cook’s spatula, one pays for the cook’s skills to achieve an end with that spatula.

Actually, that was quite the component of slavery…especially after 1808. Virginia was known for being a slave-breeding state.