Woman kills 3 at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland, officials say

Disgruntled employee gone nuts. Nothing we can do will stop the occasional nut from getting a gun and doing bad things with it.

All we can do is be prepared to stop them when they do. Unfortunately that wasn’t an option here.

It’s interesting the linked article cited this employee as temporary.

Normally I’d say, as cited by Gavin de Becker in the book “Gift of Fear” to reduce the potential for workplace violence by terminating the employment of problem employees ASAP, thus reducing any attachment they may have to the job or any friends on it.

But no problems with this woman were cited in the article, & it appears her employment was temporary. Perhaps she was just yet another easily triggered individual who happened to possess a firearm.

From what I’ve read he/she was a box full of problems before ever even being employed there and went postal when he/she didn’t make it through the probationary period.

Why are you saying he/she? The article clearly reads “woman.”

I think that the solution is more guns. And by more, I mean lots more.

Define “a lot.” I’d like to know whether I already have a lot or if I need to buy more. :wink:

Enough for both hands and both feet, for starters. If you’re not there, we’re not having this conversation.

I’m good. :wink:

You just never know these days.

When you renew your driver’s license in MA, you’ll be subjected to the same question as the rest of us:

“Have you ever been a member of the opposite sex?”

Are you serious? :open_mouth:

Trans I believe.

Do you actually believe this kind of idiocy adds anything of value to the conversation?

Yes I am.

100% of Driver’s license applicants & renewal applicants who show up in RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles) offices are asked that question.

Every so many years (forget exactly how many) it’s required to show up in person to renew, & they want to know if you, Samm, were ever Samantha.

Does this sort of baiting ever work in your neighborhood? Because in mine, we just laugh at the straining.

Okay, I’ll set a number. Each man, woman, child, and baby, each of whom should get proper training, needs ten guns.

Only then will gun-related crime, such as mass shootings, decrease, because we’ll have so many more guns, you see.

It’s the best solution.

The only straining I see is you straining for even a modicum of credulity and attention.

Well, of course you wouldn’t see what you’re doing.

I’m responding to histrionics with facts.

Well, it’s nice that you think so.

My argument is that the solution to gun violence and mass shootings is more guns.

What is your counterargument, aside from attacking me?

Your “solution” as offered is idiotic nonsense that no serious person would ever consider.

More guns in responsible hands is a deterrent and a solution when violence occurs but the notion of arming everyone is pure idiocy only offered by anti gun zealots with nothing of substance to offer.