WOLF! WOLF! WOLF! - Ninja Coronavirus in Time for Midterms

Biden told us that he had a plan to deal with Covid. Biden also told us that the vaccine was safe and effective.

We were also called “conspiracy theorists” when we predicted a 3rd. and 4th. dose of the vaccine. Now we find out Fauci wants to give everyone a booster shot every 8 months.

It is.

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More people died of Covid on Biden’s watch than Trump’s. Weird how the media doesn’t mention that, eh ?

Lots of dead young athletes and people, even children, with myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. They might disagree, but if it worked for you then I’m glad.

Yep. And in the spring…and the summer…

We should never again let this run our lives.

It’s not going away.

It’s up to us to deal with it…just like we do every other virus.

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No there isn’t. Not “a lot” by any metric.

These same effects are seen in those with COVID…with a greater chance of happening than if one takes the vaccine.

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Might want to look into non covid excessive deaths in the US and UK.

Pointless comparison considering the vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting covid.


Well, if I were a Democrat, I would demand you post a link to your source, but I’m not a Democrat so I’ll allow you to have your opinion unchallenged.

If someone wants to take the vaccine, then that is their choice. Likewise, if a person chooses not to, that is also their choice. My objection is being given a Hobson’s choice whereas you take the vaccine, or you are denied certain freedoms.

Just for the record, and I have no intention of providing you a link or personal information, but I was in such a situation. I felt at the time I had little choice but to take the jab, so I reluctantly did. Within 3 days I had severe side effects and could easily have died if not for immediate medical attention.

No, it really was crying wolf:

The vast majority of virus sufferers haven’t passed from it.

Shove one particular story in peoples’ faces, eventually they will stop listening.

Can’t say I blame them.

They need to get on with their lives, not hide in a basement peeking out the blinds once every few months.

You know, it seems those who took the most precautions got sick anyway.

Whoopie Goldberg and Dr. F. readily come to mind.

Yet you failed to mention the great lie. If you get vaccinated you won’t get covid.

People were silenced on FB and twitter even for opposing that great lie.

And forum libs attacked anyone that exposed that great lie.


And Donald Trump.

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My uncle was just boosted, I think his second, a month ago.

All it really says is that it’s more contagious, easier to catch. But Omicron wasn’t that bad. This will probably be a weaker, more contagious version of that. A head cold.

Prophylactic therapeutic

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Right but the poster I was responding to seemed to be under the impression that being vaccinated keeps you from catching it.

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i’ve never heard of vaccines referred to that way

Transhumanism Therapeutic Abortions, Vaccine Implants Brain Chips and other slice and dice medicine, brough to you by fake science, Advanced Progressive World Killing


ha beautiful. i just love how definitions of everything change in real time to match the narrative. month to month. and no one seems to realize

no one knows what really is what anymore. it’s paradoxical, given instant access to info

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