Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

The free market leads to corporate consolidation.

They don’t have a “regional” monopoly, either.

There are around 1,300 daily newspapers in the US. Lee Enterprises owns 77 - about 6%.

Do you not understand the meaning of regional? If there are only three grocery stores in a town and outlying vicinity and all are owned by the same person or corporation, do they not have a monopoly in that area?

I don’t really think that fits the concept most people have of the free market. The free market that most people imagine would be if people were no longer interested in reading Dilbert so the paper dropped it. This is more like the power big finance has over our very thoughts through their control.
That doesn’t make what they did illegal and I never implied that. In fact, I just said people should understand what was going on and, if they so chose and it were important enough to them, they could cancel their subscriptions to those papers. Now that would be free market, yes?

The owners of the paper are under no obligation to carry the Dilbert cartoon.

Things that people like get canceled all the time.

Free Market.


Yes, I do understand the term “regional.” But Lee Enterprises does not have a “regional monopoly.”

Their 77 papers are spread across 26 states, from New York to California and from Oregon to Texas. Every paper they own has competition in their markets.

People don’t like it, they cancel the media. Free market.
Actually, the internet makes it more practical to do,that.

If someone loves Dilbert so much that they would cancel their newspaper subscription then they are free to do so.

I think that there maybe tens of people who are such devoted fans.

Probably…especially since you can get it free daily online.


Nothing says sticking it to the libz like boycotting the Racine Journal Times.

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This should be good…

How else can we piss away my tax dollars?


I love this part:

“We need more people who respect and affirm diversity, equity and inclusion to run for political office at all levels,” she reportedly said. “We also need people – commonsense reasonable people and elected officials and their communications partners – to speak up and not be so afraid to speak up at school board meetings, in the media, in the local towns square, at the YMCA, grocery store, and on the campaign trail.”

The OPM did not respond to questions from Fox News Digital about its DEIA initiative.


Yeah, let’s do this…

No, the line is people self censoring out of fear of government reprisal, be proud libs. That is who you have become.


Dilbert guy has a right to be published.


oh no people being held accountable for their ■■■■ opinions the horror.

accountability is communism.

can you define “Woke”, pretty sure all I see is people with ■■■■ opinion being held accountable for having ■■■■ opinion they spew in public.

Stop trolling please.