Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

Isn’t there always?


The Empire Strikes Back?

Dilbert Comics have been removed from 77 Newspapers that are controlled by”Lee Enterprises, a newspaper group that is majority-owned by a large investment firm”. The Seattle Times does not say which investment firm that is. That would be good to know since investment firms have been notoriously pushing ESG scores. This cancellation occurred one week after Dilbert did a series ridiculing the implementation of ESG rules and office wokeness. These strips can be seen online, of course.
When asked, Lee Enterprises would not reply to questions for the reasons for the cancellation.
I am not saying that those newspapers (or perhaps I should say the investment company controlling Lee Enterprises) do not have a right to cancel Dilbert for ideological reasons. Of course, it’s good to know in case any subscribers would care to drop their subscription to those newspapers.


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This is not to be mistaken for Texas telling these investment firms what they can do. If those investment firms believe it is in their best interest to not deal with oil and gas firms, Texas may and does consider it in the best interest of the Texas economy to invest in other investment firms.
This is not as blatant a case as California saying that state travel money cannot be used in states that have abortion or voting laws with which the Californian Democrats do not agree.

Since Texas is not telling any corporation what it can do, that certainly does t apply to how Texas invests its own money.
However, I assume you must believe that when California tells automobile companies what kind of cars they are allowed to sell, California is acting as a fascist state?
How about when the federal government tells insurance companies what kind of insurance they can sell?

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Well, they didn’t tell 'em how to act, they just declined to do business with 'em

That is an important difference.

No, unless you consider regulations fascist. Which you may, but it isn’t.

No, because health care in this country is some hybrid monstrosity that doesn’t map onto other corporations and busunesses.

But I was just told that governments telling companies what to do was “one of the tenets of fascism”.
Maybe it depends on whether one agrees with what the government is telling the company what it can do.

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It is. But it takes more than regulations to be fascism. I know this is foreign to your experience, but it’s the truth.

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Interesting. It appears that the investment firm would be Alden Global Capital. And AGP is largely controlled by Cerberus Capital Management.
We really have no idea who is controlling how we think.
And here is a Newspaper journalists guild telling a teachers pension fund not to invest in Cerberus because it could hurt their ESG scores because Alden guts local newspapers.
Anybody else see the irony?

You mistakenly think I have considered any of this to be fascist. Try to follow the thread more closely. I was responding to a post that implied Texas was being fascist for wanting to not invest in companies that are seen as harming Texas industries.
Interestingly, along the other line of posts, the journalists guild wanted the teachers pension fund to not invest in an investment company they saw as an economic threat. Similar tactic to what Texas is doing.

Sure, but then you took this snarky little shot.

Save your dudgeon for the noobs.

See if this works…

We’ll fight 'em in the classrooms! We’ll fight 'em in the courtrooms!.."

Oh no… the free market has spoken!!!

I guess this a woke pushback.

I have two questions:

  1. What is the trans doing playing girls HS Volleyball
  2. Why did the school accommodate the trans? Seems to me the girls outnumber the one tranny.
    Well progs you win! You made your point and pissed off parents and a whole lot of others!
    One day this madness will end.

Monopolies are not free markets.

Now there is a concern for the corporate consolidation of news?

Now that the Dilbert guy got axed?

This is the line?


Lee Enterprises does not have a “monopoly” on newspapers. I’ve never even heard of any of their newspapers.

Quite projecting. My comment was about the free market, not corporate consolidation.

Regional monopoles are still monopolies.