Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

Not the same thing. And MLK never turned his back on the Flag, the Anthem or the Country. Shame on you for suggesting that his motives and actions were anything like that from some of the Women’s Soccer League.

And yet he never disrespected his country …

So it’s ok to talk ■■■■ about the country you live in… so long as you don’t turn your back on the flag or kneel?

MLK definitely talked a lot of ■■■■ about the country. And conservatives still love him.

If your grievance is with your government, by all means speak out. But that in no way gives you a pass on being unpatriotic.

I find it rather odd that you equate MKL’s struggle for racial equality with the women’s soccer team’s struggle for equal pay. That shows great disrespect for MLK and his movement.

Vocally speaking out against your Government isnt considered unpatriotic… but physically speaking out against government IS unpatriotic

Ok then…

You are absolutely right about speaking out against your government, but disrespecting the Flag, the Anthem or the Country in general, as you are saying it, is. Neither the Government nor the Country are responsible for the pay that these women receive for their “work.” It is nothing more than a woke gimmick to draw attention to the situation by showing such disrespect for the country that made it possible for such privileged lives that those women live.


So by that second part, you are saying that the protesters who acted out their distain for what the government was doing were being patriotic. Good to know you are not in the insurrection camp.

Like protesting or sit-ins. Both of which MLK supported and even participated in. But it’s not unpatriotic because he did it without kneeling during the anthem

Listen to yourself :rofl:

“Rioting” is not patriotic.

Who are you to determine what’s patriotic and what’s not?

All this time and many of you still don’t get it that faux displays are not equal to true patriotism.

And how ridiculous it is to tell people with grievances “Ok you have grievances but you’re protesting in the wrong way!”.

If you truly believe in the freedoms this country is to stand for, then you believe in the right of the people to express those freedoms IN ANY WAY THEY CHOOSE…even if it pisses you off personally.

Funny, coming from you.

Not rioting … " physically speaking out." :wink:

C’mon man! :roll_eyes:

Do you think those women turning their backs on the Flag because they don’t think their employer is being fair with them are being patriotic? What have libs come to … :neutral_face:

C’mon yourself.

When will you ever rise above style and grasp substance?

When (if) you present some substance, I will consider it.

Right now…within a ten minute drive of my house…in the middle of Right Wing Trump Country…I can get to at least five houses where the American flag is being displayed upside down.

I bet you you will tell me this is a perfectly patriotic display…putting the flag in a position of distress just because their guy isn’t in the Oval Office.

I’ve never spoken of that until now. Why?

Because while I think they’re being silly…it’s their right to do so and I defend that right.

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I would expect no less of a lib neighborhood within a Red State.

It’s Trump Country but nice try.

Unless you’re going to tell me the Trump flags and signs at these same houses are fake.

No. I would never say that an anonymous voice on the Internet was making ■■■■ up. :wink:


You simply can’t admit this happens.

You’ll accuse a poster of lying to continue to live in your unreality bubble.

Why should I take your word for anything?

I understand…your Unreality Bubble is safe and cozy.

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I will defend their right to display their flag upside down, but I also have no problem criticizing them for doing it. The same goes for people who disrespect the flag from the liberal side. That flag is what gives you the right to seek your redress!

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