Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

Awwwww thanks. :blush:

Keep trying though. People are starting to believe you :joy:.

What’s the value here?

Don’t be ridiculous. Filming sex (gay or straight) acts in the Senate hearing room is not even close to “the same.”

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Show us the film/video. Got anything staring an Intern in a blue dress and featuring a cigar?

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No, the real problem is “in the Senate hearing room.” Don’t let the details distract you.

What’s to not believe? Did you think your post added value?

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Don’t be ridiculous. Follow the discussion

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Why is that relevant? To anything. Keep trying

It’s always valuable to point out worthlessness of a post when it is being passed off as something of value.

File that under ‘valuable lessons I have learned on the Hannity Forum.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Details buddy, details. The subject is a Senate staffer video taping himself and another person having sex in the Senate hearing room.

I don’t have to try. You make it so easy. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not part of this exchange. Follow it.

Yes it is. You are not the thread proctor.

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For me…it’s enjoy your life how you choose but there are certain areas of it that are private…keep it that way. Not doing so is totally disrespectful to your fellow man and they should be indicted and prosecuted for a “bare” minimum of indecent exposure.

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Get 'em!

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This is interesting, especially the comments from the Woke.

A Catholic college, no less…

Apparently they thought they could sneak it through without resistance:

Conboy also admitted the school had underestimated the community’s “genuine desire to be engaged” in policy-shaping processes of major significance.

Like the thread title says, “Pushback”. Absolutely so.

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Fight 'em in the OR!

Johns Hopkins Medical

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