Woke is the new Cultural revolution. Listen to a Lady who lived through it explain the similarities

I see nothing wrong with being shown what is a very common human failing and becoming aware of it to work on.

If it makes us a more considerate individual then what is wrong with it?

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It is not astonishing how many immigrants and their American spouses will make the comparison

It doesn’t mean that the comparison is correct

There are also thousands if not millions of immigrants who do not view the US from the same perspective of those whose stories are linked to in this thread.

I think you should admit that when a half dozen things are occurring repeatedly,
(censorship, canceling, propaganda in the curriculum etc., etc.) and you dishonestly pretend “saving confederate statues” is the the one and only thing happening then
either you are not engaging in real dialogue.

Why are you so afraid of addressing this honestly?

As I have said many times I preferred the old days when libs pretended to be smart.
These days they have to pretend to be stupid and it is truly revealing.


The Russians destroyed statues of Lenin Stalin Dzerzhinsky, etc. every child in Russia knows who they were

The destruction of statues isn’t a good example. The reason for the destruction is the example

That’s the problem with the silly comaprison.

That’s the problem with making seem everything like everything else. It ignores context


During the Obama years i worked with someone who came from Romania. He was in his 50s. He was adamant how Obama is just like ceausescu and that we were headed for that kind of control

It is all so very silly.

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You are overstating what is actually happening.

For every wokie you don’t like there are State imposed book bans on Wokie subjects

For every broken Twitter liberal there is Libs of TikTok which causes bomb threats to schools and children’s hospitals.

Comedians who get canceled go on and have successful tours talking about how they got cancelled.

This isn’t throngs of yoots marching with their little red books. It is silly to make the claim that there is a woke cultural revolution here when the only State sponsored censorship of material has to do with LGBTQ subjects.


As with many things, it is a slippery slope.



The problem with slippery slopes in this context is that we have been hearing/reading etc about the short road to communism since the first red scare …. About a century ago….


And never in my lifetime have I seen the waponization of the government against American citizens who don’t tow the party line or what is in favor with the left.


Seriously…. What examples do you have of this?

Here’s a start:


Rather than bombs, our enemies are using various social media sites pusing ideas that creates distrust in our trusted institutions. They really push the both sides are the same BS as well.

It is working…sadly, many Republicans are repeating the BS as well…

That cannot be allowed to stand or we are done as a country.

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If you at any point in your life lived during the Hoover fbi and was able to comprehend what was happening then you don’t realize how wrong you are. History of weaponiation of government entities didn’t start with President Trump or Obama.

Yeah it’s only conservatives.


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Hoover fbi spied on United States citizens, followed them etc all without warrants or fisa courts

You guys are old enough to know this. I know you are.


Are you okay with the same/similar thing happening now?

No of course not. I am also not ok with the left turning into what it derided.

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I think that we can all come to an agreement about domestic law enforcement doing mad surveillance of the citizenry without having to pretend that one group or another is especially targeted.

The people who were fine with the FBI doing invasive surveillance of Muslim groups to stamp out radicals are appalled at the same being done to TradCaths.