Woke is the new Cultural revolution. Listen to a Lady who lived through it explain the similarities

It is the same conversation so democrats can censor.

Government should not suggesting anything. That doesn’t make it NOT censorship.

Full stop.


Hey… remember that part where the Trump White House made requests to Twitter to take down posts?

Why attribute the actions only to Democrats?

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Oh look, circle back suck-ass came back around to the cameras. :rofl:


If you would have listened to her, she makes it clear that students in America are taught to hate and divide according to race and not Class as they did in China. But the goal is the same. Power and division!


Because Google did it for democrats in the CIA and FBI.


Sorry but this topic is insane. Anyone who thinks the US is anything like China during the cultural revolution then we are too far apart to have any type of meaningful discussion.


Rather than it being like a light switch as she described it, the division and hatred are being sowed incrementally.


Who did The Trump White House do it for?

Sowed by whom?

The string pullers, collectivists, under the guise of both the left and the right. Do you not see the divisiveness?

Twitter and Facebook were free to ignore the FBI and CIA regulation. Of course, if they did so that doesn’t mean the government wouldn’t see that there were consequences. We have ways.

“Lawmakers raised the prospect of greater scrutiny of social media companies, ushering in a new era of accountability for the nation’s powerful internet platforms.

During hearings on Capitol Hill, Senate and House Republicans and Democrats applauded efforts by Facebook and Twitter to root out foreign election meddling. But they warned that regulation may loom for social media companies, which are largely unfettered by the kinds of rules that govern other large consumer companies.“


So there is censorship….

We are just talking about degrees of intensity.


I think that we agree that the large social media companies deserve scrutiny.

That is not punishment for if they do not react to requests from the FBI, CIA or Trump’s White House.

Every few years these interviews pop up

Cubans Chinese Eastern Europeans

The losing freedoms under Obama was just like living in the Soviet Union was my personal favorite

It’s all such nonsense

The at censorship by the government and by corporations especially during covid should not be denied. It should be discussed and it should be admitted to. But it should not be compared to the cultural revolution or soviet censorshipb. That’s the silly part


Exactly and there has always been censorship in this country by the government in various degrees.


The parallels are too to too great and too similar to ignore.

I lived in China, I speak Chinese, I married a Chinese (Taiwan) woman, I taught English in China, I have been active (on the BoD) of Asian nonprofits, my wife and I started a Chinese language program on Long Island etc. etc…

They smashed statues and destroyed art.
Woke does the same.

They insisted all film, literature etc. had to kow tow in some way to the ideology
Woke does the same.

They made the dominant ideology a required college course and required aspects of it be incorporated into nearly all (non math/sci) courses.
Woke does the same.

They “canceled” people, celebrities, gov’t officials, academics and sent them to work camps
Woke cancels in exactly the same manner minus toe work camps

The harshness of punishments varies by time and place, but whether it is the Chinese Cultural Revolution, or Islamic State, or Wokism the tactics and the goals have parallels too great to pretend out of existence.


You guys really like your confederate statues.


Truth is your first victim.
You know damn well it is not about (nor limited to) confederate statues. or even statues

Yet you must pretend it is, because you cannot support your case with fact or honest discussion.



You are the one who brought it up.

I have seen nothing but derision and mockery of that person. There isn’t a huge social movement to get behind her ideas. This is shown by the fact that one has to continually go back to that very shallow well to pull up the outrage.

I have had my fair share of diversity training at work and it basically boils down to this… don’t be a jerk.


Agreed, at work we have a lot of diversity training as well and you are spot on by distilling it down to dont be a jerk.

One of the most impactful trainings I had was identifying and understanding unconscious bias. This was several years ago and at first I was dismissive. The first exercise opened my eyes and was an aha moment.