Woke-a-Cola on the rocks

New vending machine company coming in and the only rule was…no coke products. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


…and then came Georgia.


:+1: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Can someone please let me know when cancel culture is bad again? It’s getting kind of hard to keep up.

Thanks in advance.

Is voting with your $, the same thing as…cancel culture?

Woke-a-Cola’s compaign to be less white was for employees, but it became public as discussed in an earlier thread.
Coca Cola to employees: Be less white - Politics - Hannity Community

As far as the 1970s commercial in the OP, it is grossly unwoke and would be cancelled nowadays for multiple reasons. Here are a few:

  1. There are way to many white people and they aren’t kneeling
  2. There is no one berating the white people about their whiteness
  3. The group is integrated; where are the affinity groups segregated by race and ethnic background?
  4. Everyone is standing and singing together; where is the required strife?

Of course if Woke-a-Cola is really sincere about abandoning its policy of anti-white racism perhaps it would rerun the 1970s ad and watch the fireworks from the radical left.

No, canceling is deplatforming and cutting off internet and banking access, not boycotts.


Cool story bro.

I thought it was like, just not hiring, or patronizing, etc… Like a personal boycott.

Boycotts lead to canceling

Boycotts work?

The GOP should definitely go after Coca Cola. After that, go after Home Depot and Delta Airlines, they are pretty woke too.

How could it hurt? Go for it!

Remember when Trump wanted to cancel Goodyear tires?

This is a gross misrepresentation of what actually happened.

Yes, sometimes. That is definitely one of the outcomes people want by boycotting. Especially if they boycott AFTER the change they boycotted for, is made

It’s flat out fake news.

What boycott in this country ever got something canceled?

Dixie Chicks
Bus boycott
Sea world

I disagree that any of them resulted in canceling. I will agree they can be useful for attracting attention.

Great idea! What could go wrong?