Winning! or Why Haven’t Republicans Demanded Trump Step Down?

Has the president submitted anything to Congress as a fix it for them to pass?

Damned lazy thinking that he should just get to sit around and sign bills that others created and passed and submitted to fix things.

What a shame and imposition he should have to suffer being on hand to put his signature on other people’s work!

That dose so interfere with his golfing schedule!


What about all the House Bills Moscow Mitch refuses to drop to the Senate floor?

He could no doubt be signing some of those if Moscow Mitch would allow a Senate vote on them.

Obese Donald wants to go to a court trial.

He demands to “meet his accuser” right?

“Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called ‘Whistleblower,’ represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way. …”

The Sixth Amendment provides that a person accused of a crime has the right to confront a witness against him or her in a [criminal action](criminal procedure | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute Procedure). This includes the right to be present at the trial (which is guaranteed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 43). As well as the right to cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses.

right to confront witness | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

If he wants to exercise his 6th Amendment Rights I say dump the DoJ No Indictment of Sitting President Memo and fast track his criminal indictment and trial so that he gets to exercise his 6th Amendment Rights.

Woo Hoo!


What an idiot dotard of a president!

One would think as much time as he has spent surrounded by lawyers he would at the least have a little clue how things work.

But no!

Just plain dumb Trumpism!

…and can you believe…Trump’s successes…are in spite of EVERY force being used to derail his agenda? It’s incredible and looking back, history will absolutely blackball the forces that worked against the very positive outcomes Trump has intended for our country.


Blexit and Walkaway for two.

He’s smarter than all of the corrupt dimocrats who have been trying take him down with phony nonsense since day one.


Yes, he informed me that windmills cause cancer.

Thank you, Donald.

Not really his job. That’s the job of congress to write and pass laws for the president to sign.

No it’s how things work. He can call a congress critter on the phone and suggest a bill, but doesn’t mean it will happen.

What bill has he held up on A) fixing the world economy B) Repairing infastructure C) fixing the VA

Lets see the bill numbers that have been held up on a b and c.

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Just because a bill is passed by the House, does not mean it’s going to fix a problem. The House and Senate write bills, but these must be approved by the other and the President. This
provision is there for good reason: to sift out partisan legislation that would damage the country. Writing bills that contain provisions that contradict red lines insisted on by either of the other two players is simply wasting tax payer resources. Where is the Houses comprehensive immigration fix bill? We know what the president regards as comprehensive.

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Do you have any ideas on the reason/s the DoJ decided in previous administrations that indicting sitting Presidents would be a bad policy?

Are you suggesting that when the USA economy is improving it is because of D Trump but when there is an economic slowdown it has nothing to do with D Trump?

All depends on circumstances. Is the slowing of the economy world wide effecting the US economy? If so, what can the US president do about the world economy?

Now if the world economy was still increasing and the US economy was decreasing, then it would lay at the feet of congress and the president. They both work in tandam.

Didn’t the Republicans have control of both the House of Reps and Senate for the first two years of his presidency? Surely that meant that he would have been able to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act for instance?

Still tilting at windmills I see.

Theme of the month.


Not really. Do you know enough about how congress works to tell me why?

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So when D Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese goods and prompted a downturn in the world economy because of concerns about a trade war between China and the USA is it D Trump’s fault?

That should only effect two countries. Before the tarrifs several countries had dropped interest rates to negatives (people had to pay the bank to keep money there).

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Unfortunately, globalists had control of one or both, and globalists among both Dems and Reps stymied such attempts. One’s name was McCain.

Whilst there are obviously procedural differences between how legislation is passed in the USA House of Reps and Senate and Australia’s House of Reps and Senate the requirement to pass both houses and be signed into law is in essence the same.

So given the self-proclaimed brilliance of D Trump and the many years that the Republicans have tried to get rid of the AFA two years should have been more than enough time to repeal and replace the AFA.

That is absolute nonsense to suggest that economies other than China and the USA would be impacted. For example, if China’s economy slows down it would impact on the demand of Australia’s iron ore. See link below:

No. That’s the chicken-necked stock- brokers faults.