Willard Mitt Romney turns 73 on March 12th - birthday wishes

Idiom initiated by gooddad409 was about Mitt having “no backbone”. Discussion back and forth was direct and not intended to seem passive aggressive.

Bomberfox, Very true and consistent with the Constitution the Senate has the sole power to do Presidential impeachment trials as they so please. Also correct the Senate doesn’t have to call “new” witnesses. Have at it also applied where no blocking of hearing any testimony of all witnesses the Dem controlled House of Representatives previously heard too.

There were no blocking of relevant witnesses that occurred in the house. Republicans were allowed ample witnesses in this case.

He tried to go after him. The moderator cut him off rudely.

Short memories around here.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Yes there were only “ample” witnesses when Dems approved a match.

Umm… no they didnt match up and there were three actually that testified :smiley:

Umm… no they didn’t “mix” up anything. Pretty clear the bulk of minority asked witnesses were denied outright. Investigation did not “match” up to anything approaching fundamental fairness and due process.

He had the whole debate to go after him. He didn’t.

It is an undisputed fact that Obama/Clinton made no rescue attempt.


Many apply religious principles like prayer and forgiveness to people that occupy some of their mind share. Trump jokes about Pelosi praying for the opposite of what she speaks outloud. Hard to really know true intent. Along those lines some might already have forgiven Romney, while others clearly not.

Bon Anniversaire a Mitt. That’s “Happy Birthday” in French.