Will you soon need federal permission to drive your car?

So you believe her?


Of course

[quote=“FloridaYankee, post:83, topic:238327, full:true”]

Your party has lost it’s mind. We need gasoline. But let’s shut down our ability to get it with zero plan of how to meet our energy needs.

[quote=“altair1013, post:84, topic:238327, full:true”]

The libertarian party lost its mind a long time ago.

Do you?

What’s your agenda? Do you even know?

George Jetson lied!

Hell no I don’t believe her, it’s nuts.

No…as battery recharging is a chemical reaction, physics dictates limits as to how fast charging can happen.

Even today, DC fast charging generates a boatload of heat that leads to battery degradation. Active cooling helps with that, but still…

Electric cars will change habits at a refueling station.

Not a problem right now since 90+% of all recharging takes place at home.

In a mostly EV world, that would be different, of course.

But then again, in a mostly EV world, there might be better ways to get electricity to cars.

You will need a LOT more charging stations than gas station. Lets take the city my Daughter lives in. When I go see her, the exit I take has two Gas stations. Betweeen them 12 pumps (six at one, 4 at the other, they share the same parking lot).

I’ve waited in line to fuel there many times. 20 minute period they go through probably 36 cars (rotate through 3 cars per pump in that time.)

So the level 3 chargers (according to this thread) will charge a car to full in 20 minutes. To match the pumps at the two stations, they would need 36 charge stations.


There will be plenty of charging stations for all the cars. The infrastructure will scale up faster than the transition from dialup to broadband since most of the upgrades are at the end-user.

Then ever. Too many people is the problem.


Who told you that?

I’ll believe this when I see it.

And if we think we are short on semiconductors now (and our current shortage happened simply because people got bored and snapped up gaming systems) wait until a new use for silicon pops up.

Now if they could do it with titanium, that would be better (beach sand is plentiful).

So what’s your agenda for pushing this climate conspiracy?

They take things too far, encroaching on the rights of others. In my opinion. Like saying you shouldn’t need a drivers license. The roads would be far more dangerous, and that increases the risk to my life. Not all go this far, but I’ve seen things comparable in their platform, or from significant blocks of the party.

Looks like they have a long long way to go . . .

No only getting everyone to convert to their batteries, but also a significant upgrade to the charging stations.

The batteries can be fully charged in five minutes but this would require much higher-powered chargers than used today. Using available charging infrastructure, StoreDot is aiming to deliver 100 miles of charge to a car battery in five minutes in 2025.

Wonder what upgrades to the general power grid will be needed for that as well.

It’s common knowledge around here, and this is Trump country mostly, it’s not coming from the left.