Will you get a "mandated" COVID vaccine?

There is nothing to fear. The Trump Administration is not doing any vaccinations.

How will you know the difference?

Well, first of all, I’ve already had a discussion with my doctor, who has told me that the vaccines that show promise should be on hte market sometime in March. Secondly, I asked him if I will have the opportunity to check out the brand name before getting the shot, and he has agreed to that.

Now, it is true I am placing a certain amount of faith in my doctor, but I’ve been using him for 10 years and have a good relationship with him - so I’m not too worried about that.

“I won’t get the vaccine if Trump supports it!”


Who said that?

To address Samm’s point…if Trump has an interest in a pharmaceutical company that puts out a “vaccine” - I think that’s what folks are talking about when they say they won’t trust such a vaccine.

Just like Trump interceded in the Wall building process to get an inept contractor the contract, so he may intercede with an inept company to bring out a vaccine that doesn’t work…

Is your doctor involved with development of any of the vaccines? Who is he (what is his expertise and intimate knowledge of the lab work going on) to say which ones show promise and which ones don’t?

If is a very big word. IF there is evidence 1) that Trump has financial interest in a particular vaccine and 2) IF he favored production of that particular vaccine over other vaccines under development and 3) IF he pushed for that particular vaccine to be distributed before its efficacy was determined, THEN you might have a valid point to be concerned about. Otherwise, you are just letting your self be controlled by wild TDS speculation.

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Did Trump insert himself into the choosing of a contractor for the Wall built by the US government?

Did that contractor prove to be inept?

The answer is yes.

Is Trump a friend of the My Pillow guy? (who isn’t all that honest.) (https://www.seattletimes.com/business/from-crack-cocaine-to-mar-a-lago-the-unusual-journey-of-the-mypillow-man/)

We aren’t talking about the wall.

That’s irrelevant to Guvnor’s criteria.

I thought is was “I will say I would not trust Donald Trump. I will not take his word for it.” in relation to a vaccine. But it basically comes down to what you said. :wink:

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Thank goodness the oleander thing didn’t catch on.

It might have earlier in the pandemic.

I am certain I am not in a high priority group and so will not be getting it for a while no matter what happens, but I will do what I always do- learn as much about the vaccine that I would take as is possible to learn…including as many clinical and safety studies as are available to read.

And then in the end it’s a risk anyway.

To me a true vaccine is something one is given once, and the immunity is there. Flu shots are given every year. The first flu shot I was given occurred when I was a teen. My family of ten all got it, and I was the only one to have a severe reaction. I stayed away from flu shots after that until one year it was strongly suggested. I was an adult by then and thought the previous reaction may have been a childhood thing. Nope, once more I was terribly sick. The few times I have come down with the actual flu, it was much less rough than the shot.

I have read that people who have already had COVID can come down with it again in as little as three months. (Sounds the same as a cold or flu, really.) Therefore I will not get a shot, nor do I think they should be mandated. I think they should be widely available and encouraged, but I do not think they are for everyone.

So I want to thank you and those like you. If those who can take the shot are willing to do so, bless each. However, if like the flu, this becomes a yearly (or quarterly) routine, everyone should rethink their position.

My position: No mandate.

This is not the definition of a vaccine. Many vaccines require boosters, some annually, others less frequently.

However, if you had a serious reaction to the flu vaccine, as you stated, you are right to be cautious and discuss things with your doctor.

Even if a vaccine is mandatory, there are always exceptions granted for medical reasons.

Medical professionals already lie for trump on a regular basis.

I would not be in line for the trump for president vaccine before the election.

I will wait for the Fauci approved vaccine.

That one I would wait in line for.




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No but trump admin can pressure the FDA to authorize emergency use of the vaccine before it is proven safe.


I too reacted to the flu shot. I moved to Oh from Fla in 99 and that damn shot was highly recommended. I’d never had one before. OMG I thought I’d die, for a solid week even lifting an arm took enormous effort. I was single mom back then with three young ones and no family nearby to help me so they ordered home nurses twice daily to give IV fluid/dump my vomit bucket. Ugh, never again to a flu shot.

Now that the Russian vaccine is (so far, based on what we know) showing early signs of safety and efficacy, how long until we abandon our studies and rush stuff out like they did?