Will Trump pardon Obama?

President Trump may need to pardon himself before he leaves office.

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So when they impeached him, they used their second best case against him? Saving the best for last? :joy: :grin: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

The impeachment that did happen was about something that suddenly came up. Something that most Americans used to consider to be a bad thing. Using foreign policy for personal political gain against a potential rival.

But that is all cool now.

The other things that Trump may be facing is Obstruction charges, potential perjury chargesā€¦ the State of New York is looking into finances and election interference tied to Cohen. I am sure that when the President leaves office his financials surrounding a whole host of deals will be looked into with greater scrutiny seeing as how what is publicly known shows potential bank fraud, loan fraud, tax fraud and securities fraud.

Soā€¦ yeah.

President Trump may be facing am uphill legal battle when he is out of office.

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So his political enemies want to charge him with crimes? :yawning_face: Ok sure. Been there done that.

Orā€¦ the President has done a ton of crime and people who crimed with him saidā€¦ heyā€¦ look over here to find the crime.

Soā€¦ we should look over thereā€¦ right ?

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According to whom? His political opponents? The same people who spent the past four years lying about him? Now all of the sudden they are NOT lying? :roll_eyes:

Cohen is not his political opponent.

Is he being charged by Cohen? Good luck. Keep digging. And prepare for yet another disappointment. :sob:

You mean should the media look into wether or not Trump will pardon Obama, even though there are no charges leveled against obama?


If Obama were charged with a crime, sure.

But why would you spend time pondering something at this point?

Makes no sense.

Might as well ask ā€œDoes Trump plan to pardon Pence?ā€

The five questions aske by Kayleigh. For example:

Are you not the least bit curious as to why Clapper and his posse testified under oath that there was no evidence of a Trump Russia deal, then went on T.V. and lied, saying there was?

You have no interest in knowing why they did this? Why not?

I donā€™t know who needs to hear this, but people under forty donā€™t really watch cable news. Or any sort of television news unless itā€™s a livestream.

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Iā€™ll answer that. Nobody needs to hear it. Nobody cares. Itā€™s your business.

You live inside the image of an era thatā€™s gone, like government officials trying to justify Vietnam.

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What? How do you know how I live? And why do you care? Are you stalking me? I donā€™t know whether to be flattered or creeped out. :japanese_ogre:

BTW. My image is quite handsome thank you very much. :muscle: :love_you_gesture:

Right? How dare she go after the libs chosen one and cronies.

I have to admit I havenā€™t watched much of her but I will start. She handled that room like a boss.

The more an anonymous internet poster says stuff like that, the more opposite of an image is formed in readersā€™ minds.

It is not Keyliehgā€™s job to hand out questions.

Itā€™s not the reporters job to ignore scandals or protect their candidate.

Trump was the one who referred to himself as the chosen one.

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Well he was chosen by me. Does that count? :grin:

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