Will those that attacked Mueller and his team apologize?

If you can’t back up your claims with facts then don’t make them. Less be challenged and made to look silly.

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Yeah…u rite…FBI agents and lawyers always get fired for nothing…except maybe sedition?

At least you tacitly admit you can’t give any examples of their alleged bias impacting an investigative action.

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Yep…I’m to stubborn to satisfy your laziness. It’s a deadlock. :sunglasses:

If you coulda you woulda.

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Comey was fired because he wasn’t loyal enough to Trump.

McCabe was fired because he leaked investigation details about the Clintons.

Page resigned but was in trouble for banging a coworker and saying mean things about Trump on the government phones. Basically she was likely to be fired for embarrassing the FBI.


Clear examples of sedition. :rofl:

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Does it even matter anymore? There so deep there’s no amount of deprogramming that can save some.


It really is the truth for some. What’s ironic is that many of those who have been fed a steady diet of alternate reality propaganda are the same people who claim that Russian influence and propaganda had no impact on the outcome of the 2016 election. It’s fascinating.

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This didn’t happen overnight. The phrase alternative facts is new but instilling a deep distrust of conventional reporting and verifiable facts has been a decades long process.

By the time we hit Obama, the conservative media was able to get people to believe a conspiracy to hide Obama’s birth place and believe the BLS was faking employment data. The effect is across all walks of life, including the educated and successful.

Trump was the perfect person to capitalize on it.
I just don’t know where we go from here.

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^^^ I love the real world but I do enjoy coming here to Hannity Land and hear the alternate reality of some ^^^

You are correct. It has been an ongoing process for decades now. I track a lot of it back to Gingrich’s time as Speaker, and the societal shifts occurring around that time, including the insurgency of CEC radio programming.

As to the bold, nor do I. But it does make me worried for our future.

And I love irony so early in the morning.

I agree. More than anyone else, I think Gingrich is responsible for the current status of our country. He didn’t do it alone though.


Cohen and Manafort get what they deserve. Still no Russian collusion.

The investigation that I’m waiting for is the one that will be initiated once the DOJ inspector general releases his findings.

DOJ inspector general confirms yearlong investigation into FISA abuse is still active by Jerry Dunleavy - March 21, 2019

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed Thursday his office is still investigating possible abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and FBI in their investigation into President Trump and associates of his 2016 campaign.

The findings of his report have the potential to uncover wide ranging corruption inside the Obama administration.

Maybe Mueller will be invited back for Act II.

Do you think the left will have any issues if all the lawyers hired by Mueller were Trump and Bush donors?

I don’t post here anymore, it’s probably been more than a month…I’m quite frankly surprised I was even able to log in. I’m too honest I guess about my feelings about certain people on this board, lefties who are wrong all the time but still pretend to be the smart guys in the room in particular.

But I had a few minutes to kill so I thought I’d log on here just to see if the primary perpetrators of all the lies and misinformation that have been spread on this board and it’s predecessor over the last two years are showing any humility. I guess the answer is no.

This entire collusion delusion has been a lie. Brennan, Clapper, CNN, MSNBC, multiple “News” anchors and others have been spewing that lie for more than two years. Multiple posters on this forum and the old board have been using words like Treason to describe the President and his family and advisors for more than two years.

You people perpetuated a lie…Those people perpetuated a lie.

None of the news outlets who peddled that story will ever be credible again, (Not that they were to begin with). Congressman Adam Schiff should either man up and show the world the “evidence” he’s claimed to have for more than a year now, or he should resign as the disgraced liar we all know him to be. Posters on this forum who’ve been making bold pronouncements about the corruption of the president and the stupidity of anyone who voted for him or who dared to defend Mr. Trump should all go away for a while…At least a few apologies and some public soul searching should be happening right now.

But having read the first few posts on this thread, I see none of that has happened.

It’s sad when so many people are so willing to waste so much of their short time on this planet hating one person rather than embracing the great nation God has blessed us with.

Anyway - Back to my self imposed hiatus from this forum, You’d be amazed how refreshing it is not to read all the hate speech that has been a part of this thing every single day.