Will there be a spring break Covid surge? Should we care?

I don’t know if there will be one. But who cares if there is? After a year, everyone already knows how to behave safely. We no longer need government guidance. Most people in high risk groups are already vacinated. I think the stated goal of preventing hospitals from being overwhelmed has succeeded. People are fully aware of the risks. So if little Tiffany weighs the risks, gets drunk, gets laid and gets Covid, should we care? If so, why?


We still have about 8 more weeks before the lake is any good to swim in. Not much to do besides maybe fishing around this time. Anyone still soapboxing about super spreading is just living in the past at this point.


Last year at this time, the media was fanning the flames of fear regarding the COVID virus. Now they’ve stoked down that fire, the vaccines are being distributed and the herd immunity factor is kicking in. I’d say that logically, the virus poses much less danger this year, than last year. I’m glad to see states coming out of their lockdowns too. That really is good news and the fact that lib Governors are also doing it is very encouraging.

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I don’t know why we have any restrictions at this point. Any high risk people have already had the opportunity to get vacinated. So what’s the problem?

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Not much to worry about here.

FL bars are checking ID and only serving age 23 and older with FL ID.

Otherwise lots of beach to enjoy.

Still waiting on the Super Bowl surge…

We might have to fight to get all of our freedom back.

Hopefully the fight only has to be legal and rhetorical.

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How do you figure that most high risk people have been vaccinated?

Half a million dead later, maybe they should have fanned harder.


For a really good reason 500000 dead people and millions infected.


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Not everybody agrees.

‘We’re Very Concerned:’ Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber Worried Spring Break Crowds Could Cause COVID Super Spreader Events – CBS Miami (cbslocal.com)

Well…if those leading had learned something from the nursing home deaths in Seattle that happened at the end of February, then maybe dumb asses like your Governor wouldn’t have exacerbated the problem and utilized the Samaritan’s Purse hospital that they generously placed in Central Park to help fight this? Nooooooo…those leading placed their feeeeelings above the lives of those you refer to and told Samaritan’s Purse to pack their generous bags.


…and your NJ Governor is debatedly the biggest factor in those deaths.


They’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas. YOLO!

We’re not bringing them back to life now are we? Since the vulnerable population is no longer vulnerable, who exactly are you protecting? Are we not capable of assessing our own risk level and making our own decisions?

That is more of the fear mongering.

I would only be concerned slightly with crowded indoor events and I mean PACKED crowded.

Jersey has accounted for 23,574 deaths due to covid.

What about the other 500000 that were not in jersey.


There were 20 deaths due to COVID yesterday in jersey.


I would not even be concerned with that. Not even slightly. If people go into a crowded area and catch the Rona, that’s their choice. They know the risk. Not my problem. Or the government’s.

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There likely will be.

The people who were concerned during the first 500,000 deaths will continue to be concerned. Those that weren’t will continue to not be concerned.