Will the Trudeau government survive a collapse of the Canadian auto industry?

How bout those who supported him?

The only person who can order the military is the Gov. General.

How bout the Canadians that helped put Bullwinkle the Fiberal Bedwetter in political power? Stop avoiding the direction we are going Mr. CanadianJudo?

Looks like some people are smartening up in the other Canadian Provinces.

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We all knew the Drama Queen would do a ■■■■■■ up job. Bullwinkle the Fiberal Bedwetter is a "plein de ■■■■ "

Let’s Go Fiberal Bedwetter. :canada: Freedom Convoy hold your ground :canada:


That is not what it says in your link.

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Yes, the bridge was closed for several hours in both directions, but then the opened in the direction from the US to Canada.

Traffic from Canada to the US remains closed. Here is a current screen shoot from the link in the OP.

There are only three connections between southern Michigan and Canada:
The Ambassador Bridge - Detroit to Windsor
Blue Water Bridge - Port Huron to Point Edwards
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel

The Ambassador Bridge handles 25% of the total trade volume between the US and Canada

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That would be stupid, they don’t have to park their trucks down town to bring Canada down, parking them anywhere will do it. The left has seemingly forgotten, free countries can only operate with the consent of the governed.

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I doubt that blocking one bridge in one direction will cause a collapse of the auto industry. It will simply create annoying delays and inconvience.

On the other hand, if other connections between southern Michigan and Ontario close, the alternative routes would involve detours of several hundred miles around Lake Erie or Lake Huron. The supply chains between the Midwest and Ontario could collapse.

It looks the truckers are still in control over the border. The Ambassordor Bridge entering Canada is still closed and alternate routes have backups of several hours.

Overflow traffic is beginning to clog alternate routes like the Blue Water Bridge, where personal and commercial traffic is now backed up for miles, with wait times to cross the bridge exceeding four and a half hours on Wednesday morning . . .


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Do Québécois still even consider themselves part of the Commonwealth?

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Why would it be? The truckers are blocking the route, not Trudeau.

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Trudeau has painted himself into a corner. He has steadfastly refused to talk the truckers. He claims that they are racist Nazis even though their leadership includes native Americans and people of color. Instead he is clinging to the elite officials, but he claims to represent working class Canadians who he is openly attacking. Trudeau’s support is collapsing.

Canadian commentator Ezra Levant believes that Biden will end up intervening and revoking the cross-border vaccine requirement for truckers, which will force Trudeau to follow. The idea of auto plants shutting down and similar trucker protests developing in the US would create huge political problems for Biden. Democratic governors are already dropping mandates, and another “update” to the science from the CDC would allow Biden to claim he is responding to changes in the science not the trucker protests.

Here is a link to the Twitter thread with the details:

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All of that is fine, nevertheless the whole world can see that it is trucks and their drivers blocking the road.

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The whole world has seen that governments that claim to protect civil rights and rule of law use the virus as pretext to shutdown whole nations, fire workers, end freedom of worship, end freedom of speech, and end freedom of assembly. They have destroyed the businesses and livelihoods of millions of families with barely a glance.

We have seen governments standby as “mostly peaceful protests” by favored groups morphed into riots that resulted in burned cities and killed dozens.

All this has happened while Big Tech and Big Pharma have made record profits and the fed printed trillions to prop up stock prices for multibillionaires.

National leaders have repeatedly lied and spread disinformation support these policies. They said that the vaccines would end the pandemic but ignored the new vaccine-resistant variants that were making that impossible. Omicron has been the nail in the coffin for this charade even for the true believers. It has been an epidemic of the vaccinated. Everyone has been getting it and the vaccines do nothing to stop the spread.

The trucker protests are showing that the emperors have no clothes. Trudeau has used the state-controlled media to smear the truckers with one lie after another. Instead of destroying the movement, the lies have destroyed the credibility of media and the Trudeau government. The lies have only made the truckers more powerful.


And arguably a majority of the world support their cause.


You’ve been wrong about so much regarding this protest. Do you ever get the idea that you’re being sheoplized? I’d start looking for a new trough to feed at. Just sayin
 :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Good question they have come close to seceding a couple times.

That could be a likely scenario and give Brandon crowing fodder.

Let’s Go Brandon
end the mandate and save cousin Brandeau.

I hope Levant is right.

At some point the governments have to make choice between reversing policy or using force to crush the opposition. They can’t just keep trotting out the same known liars and expect that people will continue to allow a virus to be used as pretext for oppression.

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Did you mean “can’t” ?