Will the real Conservatives please stand up?

Damn, you have a warped view of things.

Start by looking at the guys in the Freedom Caucus. Not many of them, but they’re the ones generally promoting the kind of messages and initiatives I want to see.

Not sure I’ll ever understand all the chest thumping conservatives do. Like two kids fighting. “No i am the REAL conservative”, “Nuh uhh, I’M the REAL conservative”

All the while not realizing the a majority of the country actually sits moderate right down the middle, either slightly left or slightly right.

Jim Jordan? Thats the guy you want promoting messages you like?

See, this is why people don’t want to deal with unhinged libs around here.

Out of a list of (whatever is the answer to your loaded question) you guys will pick the one most extreme example and try to broadbrush the whole response with that one example. It might be a single word, or a person, or a mistake made by someone…

You know why it’s disingenuous, but you don’t care. It’s not about honest discussion here for you. It’s about making internet points with your lib cohorts and thinking you’ve accomplished something.

Jim Jordan provides some of the most conservative votes in congress. His past statements don’t change that. Likewise a dozen other highly conservative people – all of whom will have SOME skeleton in their lives. (Just as you do, let’s not forget. Just as any human being does.)

I struggle to find an honest liberal on this board. You do nothing to help that search.

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Anyone who is a trump supporter. All the rest, like Ben Sasse and justin Amash are RINOS.


  1. I’m not a liberal so that is that.
  2. Get off your high horse.
  3. You don’t want an honest discussion, you never did on the old forum and you don’t here.

Your second post in this very thread was an adhominem attack on Drs. “Damn, you have a warped view of things.” Fact. Nope rather than being the non hypocrite that you apparently purport to be, and addressing what was said with facts, you went straight at him.

So no you don’t want any discussion, you just want to pretend in your own mind that you are better than someone else. That fact that you don’t think there are any honest liberals on this board pretty much proves this.

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Listen to the whole thing. It is so far away from what we hear today. I bet a ton of Republicans have never even heard it.

That is what the conservative guy you voted for is all about

Yay its make believe time

Please…dont talk about being extreme when you yourself is one.
Jim is just more high profile at the moment than the rest that nobody really knows…outside of maybe Joanne.

You would be the first to go to some extreme example when it suits you…


What he said was warped.

Unequivocally warped. I attacked what he said. Not him.

Posts like that leave nothing to discuss.

I gave you a place where you can find conservative pols. What I said about your response to that is true. I notice you didn’t take issue with my impression of your response. I take that as a tacit agreement. But whether or not you see my point in it, my post stands and my assessment of how libs tend to participate around here is completely on the mark.

Of course it looks like a high horse when you’re gazing up from the mire of liberalism.

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What guy did I vote for? And if you see that any conservative is “all about” those things, you reinforce my observation that your view is warped.

Trump. That is what he is and what is defended.

What do you think being conservative is better?

You are 2 sides of the same coin.

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Believe you went Cruz is In the primary and trump in the general…


He’s not conservative.


Your logic would give me liberty to say that you’re all about stealing. Because that’s what you defended in the other thread.


There are plenty of ways to discuss it, and the funny thing is your remark to his comments was the very same thing … it leaves nothing to discuss, and yet you posted it anyway.

But one final thing, all of the things in that list sans racism, are notably true at least in the past 19+ months. Obviously not all conservatives voted for Trump, but a very large majority of them did. And the same people who did have in fact defending his adultery but they try to mask it with some deflection to Clinton, or they say what he does in his person life is his business, and so on.

The debt is higher now than it ever has been and Trump signed a 1.3 trillion dollar bill the largest ever to help it along, and did he lose any support over that? Nope. He has in fact pardoned criminals based on what FNC said, well them and Kim Kardashian.

So the poster wasn’t wrong.

That is okay if sharing is stealing in your warped view that is fine. You are probably part of the taxes are theft crowd too.

Also warped.

So you asked for Conservatives. Do you think ANY of those associated with the Freedom Caucus DEFEND Trump’s adultery?

Your deflection is focused on Trump. The response I made was in regard to a blanket statement about “Conservatives”. You’re a lib. I understand that you struggle to follow things linearly. You and Drs can give each other compassion hugs. Two peas in a pod.